On Saturday 22 Oct 2011, M. Fiegert wrote:
>  >> Any suggestions for small, powerful, quiet, FullHD VDR client?
>  >> So, I search machine what would act as VDR-client, using
>  >> xineliboutput with FullHD resolution and machine would have DVI or
>  >> HDMI connection optical audio.
> > 
> > I bought 2 years ago Zotac IONITX-A-E motherboard which came with
> > atom CPU and nvidia gpu, at that time it cost about 200 euro.
> > ...
> > I made the small case myself and have I have 12" fan running in it in
> > the slowest speed and the case/cpu/gpu temperatures remains under 50
> > c.
> I also have such a zotac board. Its running like a charm as a vdr
> client since almost two years COMPLETELEY NOISELESS (no fan, SSD)!
> You have Full HD over HDMI (and there is optical output, but I never
> tried to use).
> Definatly my recommendation if noise is a concern.
> see http://www.linuxtv.org/pipermail/vdr/2010-January/021920.html

Did you ever upload some photos of how you fitted your Accelero S1?

To follow up on this thread... (Most of this is found easily in README 
files, etc., but I find it useful to see the experience of others!)

Following some of the comments on here, I have just obtained a Zotac 
IONITX-T along with a 32 GB SSD to build an HD capable vdr client. This 
board has an Intel Atom D525 CPU which is dual core but appears as 4 cores 
and Nvidia Ion graphics.

It is also a fanless board but (for paranoia's sake while I'm testing 
things!) I've also fitted a 40-mm case fan. The case I've bought is an 
M350 from mini-itx.com (http://www.mini-itx.com/store/?c=54). This has a 
nicer appearance than the pictures make it seem! The ultimate plan is to 
hang it off the VESA mounting holes on the back of my tele'.

On the new client, I have installed a very basic Debian system. I then 
build CVS (or git) ffmpeg, xine-lib, xine-ui (for testing things), and 
vdr-1.7.21, along with the CVS xineliboutput plugin.

My main vdr box is running vdr-1.7.21 along with quite a few plugins. I 
replaced my current primary device (softdevice) with "-P'xineliboutput --
local=none --remote=37890'" and restarted vdr.

I then ran vdr-sxfe on the client box and I had vdr output on the attached 
monitor (I'm jsut about to nip out to buy an HDMI cable! I assume there 
was sound too but didn't check this!)

The performance with VDPAU is pretty impressive. top shows vdr using about 
3% CPU for SD material and this increases to about 7% for HD channels. For 
comparison, my current vdr setup is a 2.66 GHz Pentium 4 with a Matrox 
G450 for output and this sually hovers around 30% CPU for SD material.

I have yet to fiddle with most of the settings but if I use Hardware 
blending for the OSD it is amazingly crisp. However, the video does 
stutter slightly when the OSD changes (moving the "cursor" line down, for 
example) but that's probably liveable with!

At present, I am running all plugins on the server and my remote is still 
attached to the server.

I presume that I should really build / buy another remote receiver, hang 
it off the client, and use the --lirc argument to vdr-sxfe to forward lirc 
commands to the server.

I also suspect that I can run "full" vdr on the client to allow me to use 
some plugins on there?! Not looked into that yet. I suspect I can probably 
just use vdr-sxfe as a basic frontend, with lirc forwarding so I can 
"hide" the server somewhere else...


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