Dang John. I tho't you'd died and gone to FF Heaven.. :-P Glad to see you back. What have you been up to for the last year + _? Seems like the last time we talked, you sent me some stainless tubes to use in making my homemade bobbins. BTW, in case I never told you, they work great! In case anybody wants to see my bobbin, I'm including a couple of jpgs. Two different bobbins. I made these for several vfb and ffw friends. John, if memory serves me right, I gave you one too. I have both in my "streamside kit." I like them for the simple reason that they fit in the palm of my hand. The spools are Singer Sewing
machine bobbins.


John wrote:

What's the big idea? Are you afraid to lose any flies? If it's that big a deal don't get your flies wet. In Michigan if your not fishing where there is a strong possibility of losing your fly, your not catching fish. The flies are expendable.
That being said here is a link that might solve your quandry.

http://tubeflyjournal.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/save-your-tube-fly-system-the-beginning/person or entity to which


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