Hey Don, I know I missed you in WY last week.But take care of your health first.

Don't fool around with diabetes, my Dad was a insulin dependent one for 35 years and he only made it to 55, steady consistent exercise is what really does the trick, along with diet and meds. And getting your weight down.

and I work in health care at our Joslin center quite often, the patients with pumps rave about them, however they are not covered by all insurances. They are in the 5-6 thousand range.


 On 10/10/2013 2:09 PM, Don Ordes wrote:
I'm not normally one to post every medical situation here, but this one
is sorta' tying related.

About 5 weeks ago I started feeling pretty down- not sick, but just
really dragging, like the energy button was set on 2 out of 10. Went on
a 3-week trip and developed the tell-tale symptoms of sugar diabetes.
Was not a good trip, as all I did was drink everything in sight and then
pee it out. I lost close to 30 pounds of water-weight and I'm told
muscle weight also. And Cheryl had to do the bigger share of driving, as
my eyes had gotten blurry. Any of you with diabetes know the score, and
those who support/know them know it 2nd hand. I was in acidosis big time.

So I get back, order a blood test, and set up an appointment with my
doc. He moved my appointment to the next day when he got the results,
and then threw my butt in the hospital. My blood sugar on the test was
over 400, and when they checked me in, it was over 700. I felt 'OK', and
was cutting up with everyone in the ER check-in, being such a sweet guy
and all. Got a room on the heart floor because of my a-fib (for
monitoring), and they re-hydrated me and started me on insulin to bring
the sugars down. I responded immediately and the sugars came down into
the high 100's in two days and they kicked me out. My sugars now hover
around 100, and have been like that for 2 weeks now- very stable. I had
adverse reactions to Metforin (sp?), so the doc took me off of that. Had
an ultra-sound done of my heart and all A-OK there.

Now for the part about fly tying. The doc said it could take months for
my eye blurriness to clear up, and then my vision might not equal what I
had. Ha.!  I pulled a fast one on them. My vision cleared up while I was
still in the hospital, and I noticed I was having trouble seeing with my
glasses. After I got home my eyes totally corrected and I mean actually
reversed themselves. For the 1st time since I was 12 I don't need and
can see fine without glasses. With my glasses it's like opening my eyes
underwater. So now, without glasses, I can see a size 22 dry fly float
by. Who-hooo! It's not 20-20, but I've never had that- even with
glasses. Bought me some cool shades for the 1st time, too.

Wait...that's not fly tying. This is fly tying related. I used to amaze
everyone that I could tie a #32 Mustad royal coachman with the naked
eye. Well, no more. Closer than 16", any fly gets blurry, so I need
reading glasses for the 1st time in my life. I don't like the
shape-shifting as I look around for stuff, so I may go to a magnifier.
With reading glasses, I can still see just enough to tie a #32, but
nothing like the macro-vision I had before.

For fishing outlook, I put much of the water-weight back on, but have
lost 20 pounds now based on diet and exercise. I'm walking on the
treadmill every day and have actually started jogging on it, which I
haven't been able to do for years due to back problems, perif. neurop.,
and TGN.  Now with the back and TGN fixed, and fibromyalgia in
recession, it's possible, but not comfortable, to jog for a few minutes
at a time to really get my heart rate up during a 20 min. work-out.  So
I'm looking to wading with more confidence with better lateral stability.

So, now that everything's working good, we're having early snow storms
that are making national news for damage, and I'm right there with tons
of tree damage and consequences. So, no fishing until spring, probably.

Dreams of Tight Lines,

Peggy Brenner
President IWFF

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