Yeah, the nomenclature thing is dead to me.  Here, and everywhere else for that matter.
Hmmm, what do you call it when you write something down about what happened today, and you do that on a regular basis?
Is it a journal?  A log?  A diary?
How long have people been doing that? Since 1660.
And there's still 3 terms for it.  Wait, blog, 4.
So I for one have given up with defining things and naming things.
Just make stuff, and when you're done making it, call it something.
Other people may call it something else, but fuck it, at least they've witnessed it.

By the way Check out my Video Home Page!
It's at h-t-m-l-colon-backslash-backslash-w-w-w-dot-bullemhead-dot-com!
Some news people still speak the http:// before giving out web addresses.
I heard someone on Fox 5 here in NYC say it the other day.


On 9/16/05, Eric Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just had an epiphany about nomenclature.

Some of you might have experienced this back in the day. I know I did, and it drove me
batshit on a regular basis:

Remember when people use the terms 'home page/web page/web site' interchangeably,
and as a result, used them incorrectly? And eventually, it all became a non-issue and
language either changed, became forgotten, or the actual content/product brand took

For example: buying things from Amazon, or eBay, or watching Rocketboom or Carol and
Steve. Or reading Slashdot. Or listening to Adam Curry. Or getting the hookup on
MySpace? I'll be willing to bet everyone knows how to a) get to and consume the above
content and b) what format type of content it is.

I've yet to hear someone these days say something like, "Dude, did you see that kick-ass
HTML article posted on the web page?"

Welcome to nomenclature v.2, where verbs are the new ______. ;-)




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