hi, newbie to the site (and to videoblogging) but this caught my eye:
> What type of site is most likely to gain more readers
> In my opinion, that would be themed content
>> more difficult to produce than stuff about their own life. 
>> Themed content has  to be gathered, written, produced, etc. 
>> That takes time and/or money.  That's a higher barrier to entry. 
wonder of it isn't just "themed content i have a reference point for" ?
i think people tend to have an innate sense of the story / content
around familiar subjects they like or care about... i love playing
ultimate frisbee, and altho i know diddly about video right now, i
think i'd have a bunch of ideas on that subject to try out.
anyway, i hope my intuition is correct -- my startup is running a
contest next month on our www.simplyfired.com site to collect a
bunch of alternative & fun videos about getting fired in the workplace,
kind of an "office space" or "dilbert" theme.  not sure how much 
interest we'll get, but we wanted to choose a subject where the
average person would feel some connection. most everyone has at
one time or other had some fear of getting fired
(and in my case, perhaps more than a couple times ;)

From: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com on behalf of Verdi
Sent: Thu 10/27/2005 8:48 AM
To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Re: top feedburner vlogs.. steve garfield gets bumped by the boob

On Oct 27, 2005, at 10:33 AM, LeanBackVids.com wrote:

> What type of site is most likely to gain more readers (aka be more
> "popular")?  In my opinion, that would be themed content because a a
> particular subject will relate to more people than an individual.

I think you're right about that.  That's why TV uses themed content - 
they have to appeal to more than the individual.  It's way to 
expensive not to.

The other thing about themed content is that for most people (I'm 
guessing here) it's more difficult to produce than stuff about their 
own life.  I know my own life really well - I'm the expert on it and 
I'm on the scene while it's happening everyday.  Themed content has 
to be gathered, written, produced, etc.  That takes time and/or 
money.  That's a higher barrier to entry.  I think that's why you're 
having trouble finding it.

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