On 3/10/06, duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/10/06, duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
hmmm... what about the more.. ahem..'arty' stuff steph? that seemed to be missing off your list.. here are some of my favourites..

sorry... it wasn't stephs list.. my mistake! 
although the vlogs i listed in my last post shouldn;t be dismissed as 'eye-candy' - there's a lot more to all of them i think.

Perhaps, but I categorize vlogs which have as their main priority a visual art _expression_ as "eye candy," because to call them "art vlogs" would, I am sure, get people howling at me that their personal diary vlogs are art, too. Which is true, but they aren't visual art.

"Eye candy" is not dismissive. It's a phrase that distinguishes between "art-as-political-commentary" vlogs from "art-as-a-visual-wow" vlogs from "art-as-something-that-instructs-and-informs" vlogs.

BTW: Since I watch vlogs mainly on my computer or my iPod, and not on my TV, the shorter format is important. Just as you don't want to read a novel on your computer, watching a long movie on the laptop is just not right. There are too many distractions.

Stephanie Bryant
Blogs, vlogs, and audioblogs at:

Individual Fireant Use


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