Viacom's a stupid organization.  They'll lose big
time.  I thnk Google should just buy them and fire
Summer Redstone.


--- Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Check it
> I mean seriously,  1 billion dollars?!?!  Give me a
> freaking 
> break...I worry about the future I really do....I
> mean yeah, they 
> have got content but 1 billion?!?  Get real.....
> Interesting that this announcement comes on the
> heals of Viacom 
> saying that they are going to create a site where
> people 
> can "leagaly" mash up their work.......Ah...corprate
> politics at it's 
> finest.....
> NEW YORK - MTV owner Viacom Inc. said Tuesday it has
> sued YouTube and 
> its corporate parent Google Inc. in federal court
> for alleged 
> copyright infringement and is seeking more than $1
> billion in damages.
> Viacom claims that the more than 160,000
> unauthorized video clips 
> from its cable networks, which also include Comedy
> Central, VH1 and 
> Nickelodeon, have been available on the popular
> video-sharing Web 
> site.
> The lawsuit marks a sharp escalation of
> long-simmering tensions 
> between Viacom and YouTube. Last month Viacom
> demanded that YouTube 
> remove more than 100,000 unauthorized clips after
> several months of 
> talks between the companies broke down.
> In a statement, Viacom lashed out at YouTube's
> business practices, 
> saying it has "built a lucrative business out of
> exploiting the 
> devotion of fans to others' creative works in order
> to enrich itself 
> and its corporate parent Google."
> Viacom said YouTube's business model, "which is
> based on building 
> traffic and selling advertising off of unlicensed
> content, is clearly 
> illegal and is in obvious conflict with copyright
> laws."
> A representative for Google didn't immediately
> respond to a request 
> for comment.
> Other media companies have also clashed with YouTube
> over copyrights, 
> but some, including CBS Corp. and General Electric
> Co.'s NBC 
> Universal, have reached deals with the video-sharing
> site to license 
> their material.
> Universal Music Group, a unit of France's Vivendi
> SA, had threatened 
> to sue YouTube, saying it was a hub for pirated
> music videos, but 
> later reached a licensing deal with them.
> Viacom filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court
> for the Southern 
> District of New York and is also seeking an
> injunction prohibiting 
> Google and YouTube from using its clips.
> Heath

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