Hi David, just got home from the Salt Mine. I didn't know about your
employer ban on blogs. Stone grievous!  But as I sit here the fickle
finger of inspiration is tickling my frontal lobe.

If you still want to do this we need to turn toward other methods.
There is compliance by defiance or as Bullwinkle might have expressed
it "put the boat in the ocean but which ocean?" approach. 

Heath is on to something here so I'm just expanding on the concept. If
I was gonna go this route I'd first check out:

A Technical Guide to Anonymously Blogging by TechSoup

EFF How to Blog Anonymously 

and the AnonBlog Wiki

I support you either way you decide. This is part of the reason I
refer to my job as the Salt Mine. 

You maybe burned out and just want to drop vlogging. Understandable.
Losing a job during a wave of layoff and a possible recession is not a
good idea either. 

If I can help please let me know. I'm thinking of 2nd tier social
networks that wouldn't identify you by your name where you could post
videos w/o giving up your rights.

You might have to stop but never surrender!


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "David Howell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gena, so very few want something different these days. Most are
> content with the usual stuff (garbage) found on YouTube.
> I find it disheartening that there are so few interested in content
> that may be regarded as "alternative vlogs". Trying to reach out to
> those few is a lonely task. 1 hit here. 1 hit there. Very few return.
> I do cherish those that come back again and again though. Those that
> return are generally people that I now call friends. It may just be my
> form of an alternative vlog that people dont find interesting? I dont
> know? If I knew that, your post of "When to let it go..." would be
> easier to answer.
> Regardless. My employer found my sites yesterday and I've been
> informed that if I want to keep working there, I needed to remove them
> (my sites). Strict corporate policy of no "blogs". Yes...I know I
> know. It's not a "blog". They dont care. It's close enough to being
> one. I guess I will be making my decision as to what I am going to do
> over the weekend. I cant afford to be jobless and my site doesnt earn
> me a living.
> Any ways...yeah. Go the Social Media way and not have a site or have
> your own site and run it the way you want? I would always recommend
> that one have their own site and control their own destiny. You can
> always steal a little here and there from these social media sites and
> incorporate it into your own site. That's always an option.
> David
> http://www.davidhowellstudios.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Gena" <compumavengal@> wrote:
> >
> > Not everyone wants base level content. We have that on M$M. Part of
> > our job is to connect with those folks who do want something
> > different. (I'm especially talking to you David Howell!)
> >

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