I'm not sure there will be a "video middle class"  I think the model 
of independent music can and will work, social networking, grass 
roots, etc.  But for video?  Who would pay to see my stuff?  
Realisticly, no one.  And I am sure that is true of most people.  
Heck, I don't even want to pay 1.99 for TV shows....I think that they 
should be free, with advertising...I mean c'mon we all may not always 
like advertising but it does serve a purpose (when done right).  

I am probably one of the few who don't mind advertising, it is what 
it is and sometimes it's effective, for example, Amazon Unbox had a 
handfull of new fall shows where you could download the fall pilot 
for free....I downloaded every one of them and you know what, I liked 
a couple actually and will check out the shows, Advertising made that 
possible..but I digress..

I just don't see a middle class, I mean like Irina asked how many 
people are actually making any money?  And those that are, I am sure 
there is "some" advertising happening, maybe not IN the vlog but 
around, etc.  Maybe for independent film-makers you can make it, but 
I would venture that most would want something more than 
just "getting by"...I DON'T want to belive this, but in my heart of 
hearts I feel it's true.  If nothing else, the networks will soon 
figure out how to deliver and produce and provide for content via the 
web and when that happens.....the vast majority of people out there 
will be content....


I know, I know, I was all over the map, long week...

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