I havent seen the video yet, waiting for the link to arrive. But I step up onto 
my pedestal and 
rant like a bastard, cuz a ranting bastard is what I am.

RE: art for payment
Good for John for trying to make a living from his art. Anyone decrying him for 
doing this would surely not decline payment for their works of art. And I'm not 
talking about corporate 
whoring paid to produce either. I'm talking about ART. Like the paintings you 
see in the 
gallery. Painted by painters. Or the novels in Barnes and fucking Nobel. 
Written by artists. 
Who are getting paid for their work. No one pays for media? Balls. Like Quirk, 
I pay for 
media, micro media, mass media, teeny tiny piss in the ocean media. If it has 
some value to 
me and I can afford it (yet to spend $2000 on that great gallery painting) I'll 
chip in and 
support a fellow artist. I pay for TWiT. I pay for Adelphia. I pay JunkieXL for 
his music, 
directly. I paid for The Big Issue. I'll spare a few pennies for John if I feel 
his work is worth 

RE: torrential distribution
Who cares how this dude distributes his work. If you dont get it, dont get it. 
True if there 
are not enough seeds we wont see the true benefit of torrenting. But as a means 
of keeping 
off the beaten track, unsearchable, untrackable, it sounds cool. Another 
analogy; the M25 
raves of the late 80's. You had to be in the know to know who where and when 
the party 
was going down. Take control. Talk about 'get your audience'.

RE: tracker portal project
As usual i am impressed with the ability of members of this group to just get 
things done. Visionaries and genius. I look forward to see what you create.

RE: audience schmordience
This thread has been a boot in the arse for me. Tried for the past 2 years to 
build an 
audience for my retarded 'daddy vlog' and random rantings, with zero fucking 
success I 
might add. Because you know, it was the thing to do. Keep up with the 
'movement', get 
comments, be popular. Web2.0. New media, social media. Fuck it all. I 
personally cant wait 
for the next bubble to burst and all the social media poseurs move on to the 
next 'big' 
thing. Who knows, all the true artists will survive doing what they always did, 
what they do. 
All trading torrents, sharing their are free of comments and trackbacks. Like 
net beat poets.

Me, however, I've been a corporate fucktard for too long i think I've forgotten 
how to be an 
artist. But this thread might be anathema to my artistic atrophy. I should quit 
trying to 
appeal to some idiotic notion of audience, to social fucking media, to you lot. 
Start doing 
shit for me again. And I wont ask for a penny. Until I'm popular.

I know this thread, this forum is a public discussion and everyone is airing 
opinions and 
voicing feelings. But really, who gives a shit. Torrent? Who cares? Money? Who 
cares? There 
are bigger arguments to fight over than these.

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