I mentioned last month how even in places like Johannesburg, the  
capital of South Africa, the broadband is too slow to stream video.   
There's one telecom company, and they're not in a hurry to improve  

Someone there postulated that a pigeon would be a faster way to  
transmit data.

So tomorrow they're going to try to prove it.  They're strapping a 4GB  
memory card to a pigeon and racing it against broadband.



They're strapping a 4GB memory card to a pigeon and sending it across  
the city to prove that

On 13-Aug-09, at 8:54 PM, Rupert Howe wrote:

> We don't hear much about accessibility here any more, but we should.
> There are a *lot* of people without broadband. And even some of those
> with 'broadband' don't have fast enough connections to watch streaming
> video properly. I know someone in South Africa - in Johannesburg, the
> capital - who says that it's impossible to stream YouTube there. You
> have to wait ages to let them buffer - even using the internet
> connection in his architectural company's offices in downtown
> Jo'burg. If that's true for a relatively rich country like South
> Africa, imagine the situation in the rest of the world.
> Rupert
> http://twittervlog.tv

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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