--- Howard Posner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> bill kilpatrick wrote:
> > do you mean to infer that repertoire is the
> deciding
> > factor?
> The word you're looking for is "imply," and I'd say
> the answer to your 
> question is no.  Garry was not implying, but rather
> assuming, that an 
> instrument useless for playing vihuela music is not
> a vihuela.  

i'd say that's an awfully narrow minded point of view,
howard.  playing this music on a charango - or ukulele
if it comes to that - is not useless.  nor are single
voice melodies from more complex compositions played
on whatever comes to hand.  what is useless - of very
little use to anyone - is to shackle a composition to
a particular instrument, exclusive of any other, and
insist on it being so for ever.

you drove me to the dictionary - which is no bad thing
- but, more to the point, am i to infer from your
implication that 16th cent. vihuela music should never
be played on any instrument other than the one the
composer intended?  if so, would you certify that as
being historically informed? 

i wouldn't presume to instruct you but here's a brief
lecture by james whistler which someone of your
discernment might find to be a bit of a challenge:


he talks about painting but what he says applies to
every art.
> is, whatever else constitutes the definition of the
> 16th-century 
> vihuela, part of that definition is that vihuela
> music can be played on 
> it.  It's an essential part of the definition for
> anyone interested in 
> playing music instead of playing word games.

outside of honolulu, is there a recognized repertoire
for the renaissance guitar?  

- bill     

"and thus i made...a small vihuela from the shell of a creepy crawly..." - Don 
Gonzalo de Guerrero (1512), "Historias de la Conquista del Mayab" by Fra Joseph 
of San Buenaventura.  go to:  http://www.charango.cl/paginas/quieninvento.htm

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