Hi - this seems relevant this morning - I read it without surprise -

and with the fascination that in 2002 in the USA only men are regarded as a
potential threat... what can I say?

I suppose to bring these things together would get closer to what Julie was


enough for now


> Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up...

> LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hundreds of Iranian and
> other Middle East citizens were in southern
> California jails on Wednesday after coming
> forward to comply with a new rule to register
> with immigration authorities only to wind up
> handcuffed and behind bars.
> Shocked and frustrated Islamic and immigrant
> groups estimate that more than 500 people have
> been arrested in Los Angeles, neighboring Orange
> County and San Diego in the past three days under
> a new nationwide anti-terrorism program. Some
> unconfirmed reports put the figure as high as
> 1,000.
> The arrests sparked a demonstration by hundreds
> of Iranians outside a Los Angeles immigration
> office. The protesters carried banners saying
> "What's next? Concentration camps?" and "What
> happened to liberty and justice?."
> A spokesman for the Immigration and
> Naturalization Service said no numbers of people
> arrested would be made public. A Justice
> Department spokesman could not be reached for
> comment.
> The head of the southern California chapter of
> the American Civil Liberties Union compared the
> arrests to the internment of Japanese Americans
> in camps during the Second World War.
> "I think it is shocking what is happening. It is
> reminiscent of what happened in the past with the
> internment of Japanese Americans. We are getting
> a lot of telephone calls from people. We are
> hearing that people went down wanting to
> cooperate and then they were detained," said
> Ramona Ripston, the ACLU's executive director.
> One activist said local jails were so overcrowded
> that the immigrants could be sent to Arizona,
> where they could face weeks or months in prisons
> awaiting hearings before immigration judges or
> deportation.
> "It is a shock. You don't expect this to happen.
> It is really putting fright and apprehension in
> the community. People who come from these
> countries -- this is what they expect from their
> government. Not from America," said Sabiha Khan
> of the Southern California chapter of the Council
> on American Islamic Relations.
> The arrests were part of a post Sept. 11 program
> that requires all males over 16 from a list of 20
> Arab or Middle East countries, who do not have
> permanent resident status in the United States,
> to register with U.S. immigration authorities.
> Monday was the deadline for men from Iran, Iraq,
> Syria, Libya and Sudan. News of the mass arrests
> came first in southern California, which is home
> to more than 600,000 Iranian exiles and their
> families.
> Officials declined to give figures for those
> arrested or for the numbers of people who turned
> up to register, be fingerprinted and have their
> photographs taken.
> "We are not releasing any numbers," said
> Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
> spokesman Francisco Arcaute.
> Islamic groups and the local chapter of the
> American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said they
> had been swamped with calls for help.
> INS spokesman Arcaute said those arrested had
> violated immigration laws, overstayed their
> visas, or were wanted for crimes. The program was
> prompted by concern about the lack of records on
> tourists, students and other visitors to the
> United States after the Sept. 11 hijack plane
> attacks on New York and Washington.
> Islamic community leaders said many of the
> detainees had been living, working and paying
> taxes in the United States for five or 10 years,
> and had families here.
> "Terrorists most likely wouldn't come to the INS
> to register. It is really a bad way to go about
> it. They are being treated as criminals and that
> really goes against American ideals of fairness,
> and justice and democracy," Khan said.
> The Iranian protesters said many of those
> detained were victims of official delays in
> processing visa and green card requests.
> "My father, they just took him in," one young man
> told reporters. "They've been treating him like
> an animal. They put him in a room with, like, 50
> other people and no bed or anything."
> Khan said one of those in jail was a doctor, who
> was being sponsored for U.S. citizenship when his
> sponsor died.
> One Syrian man said he went to register in Orange
> County with a dozen friends. He was the only one
> to come out of the INS office. "All my friends
> are inside right now," M.M. Trapici, 45, told
> reporters. "I have to visit the family for each
> one today. Most of them have small kids."
> View other groups in this category.

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