Dear Friends,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you have shared about thoughts on National Identity. What with the holidays things slowed right down, but I really wanted to send you all my appreciation for diving in with me on my topic.

These holiday weeks I have been working away at my research for my Process Work Thesis on this subject and I am swimming in all the various areas that weave into the fabric of the topic. History, Social Psychology, Politics, Economics, Poetry and Process Work ideas of the field and background connectedness.

From our sharing I have really come away with people's more personal introspections on what it is that holds them to place and land. I really felt that strongly from what people wrote and from my own inner wanderings after reading your words.
I am also aware that when we are from countries that are either powerful or at present neutral or peaceful we are not so drawn to wonder about our identity on this particular level. Nationalism and NAtional Identity seem to really hot up where people's are fighting to be heard or seen, struggling to find some meaning in a world that gives them none, or are marginalized so much by a dominant force , invader or occupier that they have no land, no language, no identity. It is a dreadful way we treat one another, utterly humiliating and shameful.

Tonight i watched the Movie No Man's Land, the story of a moment in the Bosnia-Serbia war. I strongly recommend it to anyone who has not watched it as an illustration of something so passionate and so ultimately bewildering about this whole subject.

Once again, thank you all so very much, it has been a great pleasure to share these weeks with you and my subject,
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