Hi - this image is a strong one - quickly to me came the words 'the stench
of crematoria' - ethnic cleansing, genocide... there always on the dark side
of nationalism in the twentieth century... there always in the shadow of our
discussion... I wrote about positive things, quoting George Eliot...at the
same time something stinks - as Hamlet says, there's something rotten in the
state of Denmark (another English reference)... Eliot knew trouble, knew the
danger of prejudice, but could not have foretold what we were to do to each
other in the name of blood and soil and 'community'...in the name of
self-defence, of protecting our borders, of expanding our borders... Now
Europe has to protect US borders by having 'Son of Star Wars' facilities

I've been enjoying the space not to talk about this...but if something
stinks my guess is the death and destruction that nationalism has caused and
comntinues to cause...


on 23/12/02 8:29 pm, Susan Kocen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Susan
> PS: The nose peg thing makes me nervous.... what is that stink we think we
> are going to make with what we write, someone will be offended, put off,
> turned off...?... i needed to mention that because i was about to write it
> myself!!!
> ---------------------
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