On 7/10/06, Sean Reifschneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I have submitted a suggestion to the Fedora packager

I wish you god luck waiting from Fedora packager.

I referred to the possibility of installing vim under $HOME/bin,
for one user only, you. (This is possible even if user is root). The
other users use stock /usr/bin/vim, but you'll use vim from
$HOME/bin/vim. The advantage is that it's built precisely to your
taste. Mucking with 1st build takes, maybe, 1/2 hour. Non-first build
is seconds of you net time (that if you package it into script as I did;
it's one command and then couple of minutes of background work).
I don't know  exactly how long it takes for changed Fedora package.
But I believe there is gain even in you net time.

If you know the exercise of (./configure
--prefix=$HOME --with-features=huge && make && make install)
it's really easy. (It you don't, it's worth learning anyway.
For myself, I made a script that downloads the latest
vim-src.tgz and builds it all in one invocations exactly with
options I like. Rebuild takes 10 seconds of my net time).

I never come from this point back to stock-rpm-vim.

So, it gives you full control. Quick control. And you don't need to
break other users's vim when you install under $HOME/bin.

I penetrated this barrier once ~ 6 years ago, the barrier between
the stock-rpm-vim and self-build-rpm. I remember my
initial hesitation and difficulties, and I understand your hesitation.
This conversion, it's worth a mass.  Just try it once, and
you'll stick with it.

I currently have over 1251 packages installed on my system, do you know how
long it would take to correctly (let alone optimally) package and build,
to say nothing of hunting down and apply updates, for this laptop?

You slipped into absurdity here. Nobody suggested that you
rebuild 1200 [unrelated] packages because of minor problem
with vim rpm.

Vim is special. I believe that being organic extension of
programmer/sysadmin fingers, it deserves special attitude
that other packages.


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