On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 07:56:13PM +0300, Yakov Lerner wrote:
>Vim is special. I believe that being organic extension of
>programmer/sysadmin fingers, it deserves special attitude
>that other packages.

The point you missed, assuming I was being absurd, is that I can probably
find someone on the developers list for the vast majority of those other
1200 packages who says exactly the same thing about that package.  We can
get it fixed in Fedora, and it helps a lot of users.

I recommend using packages wherever possible.  As compiling --with-x=yes
doesn't, in actuality, solve the problem I was having (that mouse support
acts differently than other applications), I don't see any justification
for building my own, locally-installed vim and tracking updates.

 Brooks's Law of Prototypes: Plan to throw one away, you will anyhow.
Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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