Edward L. Fox wrote:

But we should change one thing before we include this patch into the
official version. In the patch file, line 97:

+    execute "normal! A\npre { font-family: courier; color: " . s:fgc
. "; background-color: " . s:bgc . "; }\e"

Should be:

+    execute "normal! A\npre { font-family: Courier, monospace; color:
" . s:fgc . "; background-color: " . s:bgc . "; }\e"

As W3C suggested, every "font-family" indication must finish with a
*GENERIC* font family name, possible values are "serif", "sans-serif"
or "monospace". So I added "monospace" here.

I'd like to request that the wretchedly ugly Courier font *NOT* be hardcoded in to 2html.vim. I always end up removing it when I use 2html. The font-family should either be just "monospace" or allow a global variable to set the font.

(Under Windows, Courier is the bitmapped font with the hexagonal letter forms and Courier New is the less ugly Truetype font with the spindly strokes. For a picture of the two fonts, see http://www.georgevreilly.com/courier.png
Under Kubuntu, Courier looks a lot more like Courier New.)

/George V. Reilly  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The biggest mistake is not learning from all your other mistakes.

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