> (1) Just write an ß, go to Normal mode and do U. The ß gets killed. Do U 
> again and the ß appears again. You can do this repeatedly.
> (2) Just write a line containing an ß. Visual select the whole line and 
> do U. The line is uppercase afterwards. Now do U repeatedly. The whole 
> line disappears, appears, disappears ...
> (3) Write a line without any ß. Visual select the whole line and do U. 
> The line is upercase afterwards and the Visual selection is gone (which 
> is ok). But if you do U repeatedly now, you will see the whole line 
> alternate between lowercase and uppercase.

None of these are bugs.

In normal mode, U means single-line undo/redo. Only with a visual selection 
it mean uppercase.

gU means uppercase in normal mode as well as visual mode. In normal mode it is 
operator that should be followed by a motion.



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