You have the right attitude. For that reason alone I am sure you will find the 
right one.  Not all of us can be as fortunate as Erin though who finds a lovely 
girl who loves VWs too!





-----Original Message-----
From: Kirin Jacobsen <>
To: Air-Cooled Volkswagen Discussion List <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 1, 2011 1:44 am
Subject: Re: [vintagvw] And its good to be back

Bert Knupp found me on facebook a while back. He forwarded your post
the other day and I figured it was time to rejoin. So I credit him for
this. All of you are welcome to add me on facebook if you participate
in such web media...

Things have been rather interesting thats for sure! I forgot to
mention the near marriage that I got away from last year still digging
out from that financial hole but thats life! If I could go back I
wouldn't change anything! Thanks for the welcome

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 4:05 PM,  <> wrote:
> Wow, this is rather uncanny.  In just the past week I asked the list if 
> anyone 
had heard from you. Did someone tell you to come back on the list??
> Glad to hear things are "on the mend"  Sorry about the mishaps but sometimes 
we need one to push us in the correct direction.
> Welcome back!!
> Ray
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kirin Jacobsen <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, Jun 30, 2011 6:13 pm
> Subject: [vintagvw] And its good to be back
> Some of you may remember me. Others might not but I used to be a
> regular quite some time ago.
> Like many I ended up kinda dropping out of Email lists and forums for
> quite some time.
> So what has happened in the last 9 years........ with my 62 and I
> I ended up doing a winter restoration to my bug over 2003-2004. After
> that I moved to Europe for a year, Threw the car in storage. At the
> time there were some issues that needed to be sorted out. But I
> managed to get it pretty sorted before the storage, new interior, new
> drive train, disc brakes etc....
> When I came back out I took it out of storage, sorted out most of the
> kinks like the bindy front end, got really invested in the local VW
> scene. Planned a cruise and thats when it all went to hell.
> May 2006 was what started the avalanche. On the way to the spring
> cruise that I had planned I got rear ended by a 72 super
> beetle(Another good reason to hate super beetles perhaps? I kid in
> jest). It took out the rear bumper mounts, folded the decklid like a
> taco, destroyed the bumper you get the picture. I was sore but healed
> up from the soft tissue damage in time but it hurt. I was excited for
> a big VW season and it got shot to hell.
> So I towed home the pieces and sat there examining my rather sad
> looking VW in my parents driveway.
> And then my mom and my best friend Al started the whole new adventure
> by saying that the repair paint would never match the California sun
> faded paint....
> And they talked me into a pan off resto.
> Like every resto its taken double the amount of time quadruple the
> budget. Amongst this I have gone through a number of moves, A number
> of Daily drivers and a university education, and a few
> relationships...
> So the infamous Seabert now sits waiting completion..... It now rests
> on a fully detailed pan with tons of custom hardware, 4 corner disc
> brakes, narrowed beam, fully Chromed Porsche fuchs, built trans etc.
> Also has sway away torsion adjustors and lotsa details. The body has
> had a full rotesserie respray. However I still need a proper german
> left rear fender(frustrating)...... At the moment I'm working at a
> lumber yard due to the poor economy, however I'm going back to school
> to become a railway conductor come fall. I'm looking for a double
> garage to rent in the Vancouver BC area if there are any locals
> looking to share....
> I think that kinda sums it up in a few words. Theres more I'm sure but
> thats all that comes to mind at the moment. Feel free to ask
> questions, I shall link up a few photos in the next few days...
> -Kirin Jacobsen
> 1962 resto custom "Seabert"
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