Hello Jonathan, Thank you for your thought-provoking post in answer to 
Joe's question regarding Braille output and IOS. I currently have a 
BrailleNote Apex notetaker, and I have also been thinking about purchasing 
one of the tiny displays that will work in conjunction with i devices such 
as the Focus 14 and the Braille pen. i am looking forward to the upcoming 
NFB convention in Orlando to do some exploring. I work quite a bit out in 
the field, and it would be great to send tweets or Facebook posts without 
having to first use my blue tooth headset or ear buds. However, I am 
concerned that I won't be able to be as productive as I would like by 
simply using the Braille display in conjunction with my iPhone and iPad 
because of the less than stellar input. However the thought of having such 
a small display that I can use absolutely anywhere is intriguing to me. So, 
I agree that we need to make our concerns known to Apple,and I wonder if 
there will be opportunities to do so during the upcoming NFB and ACB 

On Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 12:31:43 AM UTC-5, Jonathan Mosen wrote:
> Hi Joe, I want to address your question about Braille input in iOS. In my 
> view it is not fit for purpose. I don't know what it is about Braille input 
> Apple doesn't get, whether the blind people they consult with about these 
> things aren't Braille users, or what the deal is. They have the financial 
> and technical resources to fix the issues if they were of a mind to, but 
> sadly it appears we are going to see another major release of iOS without 
> appropriately robust Braille input being available.
> As you know, some manufacturers have chosen to do Apple's work for them, 
> and work around the woeful Braille input in iOS by keeping text in a 
> buffer, then sending it to iOS all at once. I guess this is a pragmatic 
> response, but it also let's Apple off the hook. Apple is a mainstream 
> technology company, but they have also made the choice to be a screen 
> reader company, and I don't believe they should be held to any lesser 
> standard than any other screen reader company.
> They are receiving awards and praise and I don't begrudge them any of it. 
> It is well deserved. But those of us who are passionate about not just the 
> spread of Braille, but the very survival of Braille, need to stand up and 
> be counted.
> There's no doubt that notetaker products can no longer keep up with the 
> phrenetic pace of technology, if they ever really could. So just in terms 
> of the range of things that can be done, getting an iThing is probably a 
> better bet than a notetaker. And some adults may well be confident enough 
> in their Braille skills to work around the shortcomings in Apple's Braille 
> input.
> What really concerns me though is the kids, and in this case I believe 
> notetakers will have a place unless and until Apple get it together when it 
> comes to Braille input.
> I am pasting below a blog post I wrote a couple of years ago called "The 
> Apple Braille Crisis, it's got to be fixed for the kids". While some minor 
> changes were made in iOS 8, it is mostly still relevant. Here it is.
> People from all walks of life, not just blind people, can get extremely 
> partisan about their technology preferences. Anything their team does is 
> unquestionably wonderful, while anything another company does is rubbish, 
> simply by virtue of the fact that it’s the other guys who did it. If you 
> criticise the company such people support, you’ve committed heresy.
> As blind people, I don’t believe we have the luxury of being so childish. 
> Unemployment is high. Misconceptions abound regarding how capable we can be 
> in the workplace, and in society as a whole. We need to be open to all 
> solutions, and where possible, use the best mix of technology we can to be 
> as productive, functional and self-reliant as we can.
> To be clear, I have enormous admiration for the way Apple has changed the 
> game in assistive technology. When they released VoiceOver in 2009, I was 
> concerned that Apple might do just enough to get people off its back 
> regarding the inaccessibility of the iPhone. But that has not been the 
> case. With every release, Apple has added tangible enhancements such as 
> alternative forms of input, innovative ways for us to use the camera, and 
> so much more. So Apple’s commitment to accessibility is real, its ongoing, 
> and it has earned enormous praise and respect.
> Is there a “but” coming? Yes, there is, actually., because being grateful 
> for a product doesn’t mean we don’t have rights as paying consumers to 
> point out where a product falls short. But more than that, if Apple’s 
> innovations risk killing off a category of product, and the literacy of our 
> kids is threatened, we have a moral obligation to speak up constructively 
> and ask Apple to engage with us as a community about fixing the issue.
> The Internet is buzzing with reports of bugs in iOS 7. I’m not unduly 
> concerned about most of these, because I believe the majority of them will 
> come out in the wash. iOS 7 was a massive refactoring of the OS. I hope 
> that there’ll be fixes released steadily across the coming year.
> However, I am deeply troubled by Apple’s ongoing apparent failure to 
> understand what constitutes Braille support of an appropriate quality. 
> We’re not talking bugs in this case, we’re talking a fundamental user 
> interface failure – a feature not fully fit for purpose.
> Since Braille was introduced in iOS, it has supported contracted Braille 
> in English markets. This is a means by which space is saved, and speed 
> increased, by using a series of symbols and abbreviations. When one reads 
> contracted Braille in iOS, it works quite well. When one writes it, it is 
> the worst implementation of contracted input I’ve ever used on any device.
> Since its inception, if you input a letter in contracted Braille which 
> would be the abbreviation for a word if surrounded by spaces, iOS expands 
> the word it represents if you pause for a short time before inputting the 
> next character. For example, write “p” and it will quickly be expanded to 
> the word “people”. If you are proofing a document you’ve brailled and wish 
> to insert a letter in the middle of a word, you must preface the letter 
> with a letter sign, dots 5-6, to prevent it from being expanded. This is 
> not in accordance with the Braille code and is simply wrong.
> Apple must surely know about this poor implementation. It’s been talked 
> about in many forums, including an excellent presentation by Judy Dixon at 
> the CSUN Technology Conference on Persons with Disabilities. I, and I’m 
> sure others, have also raised it.
> It’s also evident that Apple knows about the issues, because to its 
> credit, it appears to at least have made an effort to try and fix the 
> problem in iOS 7. It now offers an “Automatic Braille Translation” toggle. 
> This feature is so below par compared with most of the design of all other 
> VoiceOver features, that it must surely be the case that Apple is getting 
> no advice, or poor advice, from anyone actually using Braille in their 
> daily life.
> When you toggle “Automatic Braille Translation” off, you can take as long 
> as you wish when inputting characters, and they’re not back-translated. 
> Isn’t that what we want? Well yes, it would appear to be a step in the 
> right direction. Except when you use it, you find that Braille is not 
> readable on the display until you either press the space bar, or dots 
> 4-5-cord. Why Apple believes this is acceptable, I have no idea. Can you 
> imagine a sighted person finding it acceptable in any other scenario other 
> than password entry, to not be able to look at what they’re entering until 
> they press “Space”?
> But it’s worse than that. If you backspace over what you’ve typed, you run 
> into back-translation issues similar to those experienced when automatic 
> translation is set to on.
> Additionally, having to press dots 4-5-cord after inserting a letter in 
> the middle of a word is counterintuitive, and again, an implementation far 
> more primitive than anything else that offers contracted input. Apple seems 
> to have implemented a pretty crude buffer, that is simply dumped when you 
> type one of two commands to empty it. That is not a solution.
> The Braille implementation in iOS does not meet the “it’s intuitive and it 
> just works” test that has been the hallmark of Apple products including 
> VoiceOver.
> Now if it were just about us as Braille reading adults, I wouldn’t bother 
> writing this post. It would get on my nerves, but I’d continue to work 
> around it and just put it down to a bizarre, less than optimal 
> implementation. I’m not writing this for me. I’m not asking blind people, 
> and the world’s consumer organisations, to come together on this for me or 
> people like me. I’m writing this for the kids. It’s the kids who matter.
> If you’re a Braille user, you’ll have seen the implementation of Nemeth in 
> iOS 7. It’s there because Apple’s going after the education market, 
> particularly in the US. Good for Apple. I can see enormous benefit in a kid 
> being given an iPad and a Braille display for use at home and in school. 
> Don’t underestimate how mainstream tech can be a great way to help blind 
> kids blend in with sighted kids. Parents feel more empowered, because the 
> iPad is technology they know and understand, so when the child gets in 
> trouble at home, they can help out. Classroom teachers in mainstream 
> schools know what an iPad is as well and feel similarly empowered.
> But all of these benefits have to be secondary considerations to the one 
> that matters above all else, – equipping our kids with good Braille 
> literacy skills. Braille is their ticket to higher education. Braille 
> offers a greater chance of gainful employment. Braille is absolutely 
> critical, and Braille is not to be trifled with. Half-baked Braille 
> solutions are not appropriate for our kids when there’s a crisis in getting 
> Braille instruction to them already.
> We should not expect our kids to have to learn to work-around Apple’s poor 
> implementation, we should expect Apple to fix its Braille.
> For the last 20 years or so, blind kids have increasingly used proprietary 
> notetaker technology. I’ve no problem whatsoever with technology moving on, 
> and a category of product becoming obsolete. I love the idea of investing 
> in a good Braille display that will last you for years, and upgrading the 
> technology that drives the display on a more regular basis. But that 
> technology has to do the Braille properly.
> There are cost savings to be made by cash-strapped agencies who purchase 
> equipment for blind children, and that’s also why I’m writing this post. I 
> can see bean-counters concluding that the combination of an iPad and a 
> Braille display is a good solution for kids now. Many of these purchasers 
> are not Braille users themselves, and I believe we have a duty of care to 
> our kids to spread the word that Apple is not there yet. It is trying, and 
> should be applauded for doing so, but still, it’s not there.
> You will remember the huge backlash caused by the initial release of Apple 
> Maps in iOS 6. In terms of fitness for purpose, Apple Maps was far superior 
> at release than Braille is now. The only difference is that Braille affects 
> a tiny fraction of Apple’s user-base, not hundreds of millions of people.
> Lest anyone think I’m whining without a solution, I actually know a lot 
> about this subject, having worked as a product manager with a range of 
> products that use contracted Braille. I have a good feel for where Apple 
> has got it wrong and what it might do to fix it, while not of course being 
> familiar with the VoiceOver code. But I am absolutely confident that it’s 
> fixable. Let’s not forget, Apple invented a way for blind people to make 
> effective use of touch screens. Apple gave us unimagined access to taking 
> photos. It is certainly not beyond Apple to look at best practice and 
> figure this one out, because unlike some of the other things it’s done, the 
> solutions already exist.
> If this poor-quality support had been offered to us by an assistive 
> technology company, we’d have jumped all over it long before now. But given 
> that Apple develops screen readers, that makes it both a mainstream 
> technology company, and an assistive technology company. We should hold it 
> to no less a standard.
> Having outlined the problem, here’s what I think needs to happen.
> Typically, I’d suggest that Apple needs to engage with the community with 
> a view to fixing these issues for the sake of our kids, but that’s not 
> really been its style. It is secretive by nature. In that case then, it 
> needs to buy the expertise to make Braille truly viable in the education 
> market.
> As Braille readers, we need to politely articulate the problems to Apple, 
> and let Apple know we consider it important that they are fixed.
> Consumer organisations should do what they’ve done so many times before, 
> and focus on their unity when it comes to Braille issues. A broad-coalition 
> of consumers, educators and parents needs to ensure this issue is not 
> allowed to drop.
> And finally, no one in charge of any purse strings should consider it an 
> appropriate solution to give a kid an iPad in the classroom if they’re a 
> Braille user. If purchasers want to move away from the blindness notetaker, 
> and I get that, a laptop and Braille display is a far better solution in 
> terms of Braille reliability and consistency.
> I’ll be the first to cheer loudly, and sing Apple’s praises, if it fixes 
> its Braille. And I’ll continue to praise all it has done right, which I 
> often do in media interviews and blindness tech forums. But please, for the 
> sake of the kids, lets do what we need to do to advocate for good quality 
> Braille on Apple devices. We have a duty to the next generation to do no 
> less.
> I’ve done what I can as an individual to make Apple aware of these 
> failings, but clearly, we need to do more to help it gain an appreciation 
> of why this is so important.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> http://Mosen.org
> On 20/06/2015, at 9:24 am, Joe <jsor...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hi, I'm curious to hear from people who have replaced their Braille
> notetaker with an iDevice. I've been toying with the idea of investing in a
> U2 for reading books, taking notes and performing similar quick tasks.
> Questions:
> 1. I've heard there are displays that let you type text and then send to 
> the
> iDevice in one burst. I don't understand the mechanics of this, but what 
> are
> the displays you know that do this?
> 2. Is Braille input in iOS as dreadful as some people have made it out to
> be? I don't mind learning various keystrokes, but I do mind delays in
> transmition.
> 3. Is there a means to read BRF in iOS?
> 4. What 32-cell display would you personally recommend?
> Thanks guys for any help.
> Joe
> --
> Musings of a Work in Progress:
> www.JoeOrozco.com/
> Twitter: @ScribblingJoe
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