On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 9:10 AM Shermeen Khan <shermee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ..that most people didn't find existed,

There are certainly good use-cases. For example, when doing something which
occupies one's hands (say riding a bicycle, perhaps a tandem as the
"pusher")  the combination of voice and face are quite handy. Another use
case is when it's cold enough to be wearing heavy gloves....
...n that I have to use this phone now. You get

> what you get and you don't get upset and all that sort of thing.
If the published rumors about the next iPhone are correct,
fingerprint+faceID may be in the cards in a month. If so, perhaps you can
arrange for a swap. Some corporate plans are more generous (or there's
someone who needs an update/replacement of an older model) ......

> the time or to check e-mail or get my next digital dopamine hit, and
> my phone is certainly not up above my face. How are those you using
> face ID managing this?

If you've put it on a stand (many inductive chargers around $20-$30), just
rolling over and looking at it can suffice. Indeed, if you've left it in
"requires attention mode" opening just one eye suffices!  There's an apple
video/commercial which featured that, and I was sure it was fake, but it
works fine at my desk (my bedside charger is flat ... and since my cats
like to play with vertical things, I'll probably keep it that way).

https://youtu.be/1eQ6n9uZ8Ls  is the commercial, sadly it is not very

....I even thought of

> getting a sighted person to help me set it up in the detailed way it
> wants, but is that even possible?

I would think so. Might take a try or two.

Note that if you fail to unlock the phone enough times, it will require the
passcode. I mention that, because being too close to the sleeping face
might result in a lot of inadvertent unlock attempts. Some experimentation
is probably necessary. Also, the face recognition gets better over time
(viz, it will fail, you will use the passcode, it will learn that
particular angle is OK)..I find some sunglasses work well, others not at
all and some only after several manual unlock cycles. No doubt it's a
combination of how opaque (perhaps polarization?) and shape.

I've come to prefer it.

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