absolutely correct.

At 16:08 05/02/2013, you wrote:

I have to disagree. It is quite comfortable to put your hands on your own waste. With fingers vertical slightly curled and elbows out to the sides. The first braille machine was the Stainsby that required the finger formation as brailletouch. Perhaps because my Stainsby supported me through years of study. I find it far easier than having my elbows tucked in and being restricted, as with using a perkins. It's like wearing a straight jacket. While I'm typing this message on a qwerty keyboard, my elbows are pointing outwards not being tied to my sides. It's not comfortable to keep your elbows restricted. Monitor your own behaviour eating dressing and see if you can honestly repeat and make the same statements. If you think about it, a perkins is not as long as a human's shoulders, so the elbows have to point out to the side.

It is really a mind over matter issue.


On 05/02/2013 14:52, Eileen Misrahi wrote:

I ant to concur with others that the way one uses Braille Touch is not using ergonomic principles. Hence, it places at least my right hand at jeopardy in possibly developing carpal tunnel. I believe the developers should take a serious look at creating a Perkins style layout for the app. Even though I am slow in braille processing, it is essential to find a solution to this issue. I have tried all sorts of different ways to position my hands,but after a few minutes my right hand begins to fatigue and hurt in the wrist. This issue has been discussed by others on this list, so I hope the developers of the app are listening. May be this will be fixed in the near future. There must be a good reason why all of the braille note takers and braille displays are manufacturers design the products with a horizontal layout.

Thanks for listening.


Sent from my iPhone

"If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives outside the box" Barbara Otto

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