On May 16, 2012, at 06:34 AM, Nicholas Clark <n...@ccl4.org> wrote:

So, general questions

1: Is there any easy way to get an scp2 client for Unix, so that I can scp
to them? (And use editors remotely)
I've never gottten scp to work and always use sftp.  There should be a vim available; how well it works I don't know as there have been some pretty good versions and some pretty bad ones.

2: Does rsync exist for VMS?
No.  I build zipballs and upload them.

3: Does ccache exist for VMS?

4: What is the ls command, and how do I escape from it when I run it
You end up in LSE (Language Sensitive Editor).  Ctrl-Z should get you out or at least get you to a command prompt where you can type "exit".  Ctrl-Z is the EOF character and is used in many situations where Ctrl-D would be used on a Unix system.

5: What's the DCL equivalent of rm -rf? Is it really a Perl 1-liner with
The Perl one-liner works but is of course very slow.  If you are on 8.4 (do "show system/noproc" to check) then "delete/tree" is available.  Something like "delete/tree [.blead...]*.*;*" should wipe out the blead directory and all its children.

6: How do I deal with filenames with ^. (etc) in them from DCL? Without
resorting to bash? Is it really the only option to rename directory names
to remove the .s?
To rename perl-5^.16^.0-RC2.DIR (for example) to something manageable, do:

$ set process/parse=extended
$ rename perl-5^.16^.0-RC2.DIR perl-5_16_0-RC2.DIR

This might need more knowledge of the machine than the above -v and -V

7: How do I actually use the libraries of that installed perl 5.8.6?
Not sure what you mean by using the libraries.  You can see what Perl you're pointing at with:

$ show symbol perl*
$ show logical perl*

Actual build problems:

8: The Alpha machine fails the build because the target is converted to
uppercase. How come no-one else has this problem?
I'm going to punt on the MMS issues for the moment.  The short answer is you cannot build Perl with MMS currently but must use MMK, available here: <http://www.kednos.com/kednos/Open_Source/MMK>.

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