On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:16:14PM -0500, Craig A. Berry wrote:
> On May 17, 2012, at 5:49 AM, Thomas Pfau wrote:
> > I understand this problem is fixed with the new ssh that comes with OpenVMS 
> > 8.4.  Prior to this, scp does not work to openssh systems.
> It seems not, actually.  With a server that looks like:
> $ tcpip show vers
>   HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Version V5.7 - ECO 2
>   on an HP rx2600  (1.50GHz/6.0MB) running OpenVMS V8.4    
> coming from an OS X client (with remote address changed to protect the 
> guilty):

> So while I probably had the nomenclature and version numbers confused in my 
> previous post, there is definitely something still wrong with agreeing on a 
> mutually acceptable version of something.  It looks like it's a very old 
> problem for servers that do not support multiple protocols: 
> <http://www.snailbook.com/faq/scp-ossh-to-ssh2.auto.html>.

Yes, this is the fun, and why it turns out that scp from VMS out to *nix
works, but not the other way. Pretty much every *nix is using OpenSSH,
whereas the VMS ssh is commercial ssh. OpenSSH has the original "scp"
command, which I think is actually the source code of "rcp" with some
edits. The rcp design is to have the same binary able to act as client and
server. OpenSSH also provides sftp.

What then happened was that the commercial ssh tools were re-written, with
"scp2" being a new version, command-line compatible with the existing "scp",
but implemented completely differently. Instead of using ssh to start
another instance of the "scp" program on the remote host, it uses the sftp

This is why one can run scp on VMS to talk to a *nix system, but not the
other way.

(Been ill for the past couple of days, hence why I've not replied to any
e-mail. Or done much else, either, for that matter)

Nicholas Clark

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