On 20 August 2015 at 02:38, Todd Micallef <tmical...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is a DIY guide to making some lab standards. It is detailed with some
> component values.
> http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/4848/1/JSIR%2065%286%29%20510-513.pdf

If this was April the first, I would be convinced that paper was an April
Fools Joke!

I can't imagine how you can make high Q (low loss) inductors, by using a
capacitor and two resistors. It just makes no sense to me, but I will read
the maths later. The mere fact there is resistance makes me think it must
be lossy, so low Q. Also the equations seems to come out with convenient
numbers - R in Ohms, C in pF and H in Henries.

But if the paper is real, it is very close to what I want, although it
still leaves the position of finding stable capacitors. I thought inductors
would be easier than capacitors, but maybe not.

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