Mitchell Swartz wrote:

  The censored LENR-CANR "database" removed the two oral papers
and one demonstration paper, pending for the ICCF10 Proceedings.
Furthermore, when this was discussed, others contacted me with the
same complaint.

We include no oral papers in the LENR-CANR database. We only list papers that have been (or will be) published in journal or proceedings. Generally, we only list papers that are available to our readers and the general public, not privately circulated papers. There are a few in the database that have not circulated, such as the Amoco report, but I believe I deleted any others. If I find one I will delete it.

As I said, I have no knowledge of what may or not have been submitted to Peter Hagelstein for ICCF10. If Swartz will publicly declare here that one, two or three of those titles was submitted, I will take his word for it, and add them to the database.

I do not believe these mysterious "others" who complained to Swartz exist, but if they do exist they should have enough sense to contact me, or Storms, instead of complaining to Swartz.

Some people apparently think we have godlike powers, we assembled the database by ESP, we know about all papers that have ever been published anywhere, and all 3,189 items in the database are correct and complete. For the record, that's incorrect. If authors do not inform me of problems I probably will not catch them.

Despite Rothwell's changing the subject, our two papers,
Swartz. M., G. Verner, "Excess Heat from Low Electrical Conductivity
Heavy Water Spiral-Wound Pd/D2O/Pt and Pd/D2O-PdCl2/Pt Devices",
ICCF-10 (Camb. MA), Proceedings of ICCF-10, (2003),
Swartz. M., "Photoinduced Excess Heat from Laser-Irradiated Electrically-Polarized
Palladium Cathodes in D2O", ICCF-10 (Camb. MA), Proceedings of ICCF-10, (2003),
were both listed originally for ICCF10, and assigned Monday and Tuesday
for the dates. They were deleted at the long-censored LENR/CANR website.

They were deleted -- as I told Swartz about a dozen times -- because they were never sent to me, and I heard nothing about them. Naturally, I assumed they do not exist. I still assume that. Any conference paper that is never submitted will be deleted, obviously! The LENR-CANR database is a list of actual papers, not phantom papers. The deadline for ICCF10 papers passed quite a long time ago. As I recall, I also deleted phantom ICCF10 papers by Hagelstein and McKubre. Does Swartz think I have it in for them, as well?

Mitch: Stop horsing around and wasting bandwidth. Cut the politics, the garbage and the idiotic accusations. Answer the following questions Yes or No. If you do not answer these questions Yes or No, here in this forum, in public, I will not add anything of yours to the database and I will not upload any of your papers:

1. Oral presentations do not count. Do these papers exist in writing?

2. Did you submit them to Peter Hagelstein?

3. Are they available on your web site and if so, would you like me to upload copies?

4. If you would like me to upload them, what is the exact URL? I will not go on a wild goose chase through your web site looking for them.

- Jed

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