where did this come from?  and take leadership roles?  please, these
guys coming back are making vietnam vets look like ex cops.  its a new
generation of homeless we're creating.  and i find it funny that you
talk of the lies of one president, without discussing the lies of the
other.  one lie was about a personal happenstance, one has caused the
death of over 1000 americans, and the loss of limb of another 10k, and
the death of 150k iraqis.

sorry, id prefer the "hippy" lies.

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 07:39:15 -0600, RC Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Red feet never lie, the green feet never tell the truth. A green foot
> need not give any answer, or he may give an answer in the form of a question
> such as.. why do you ask?.. or any number of others.. A question may be a
> method of shielding a lie.
> A skilled green foot, may in a trial courtroom setting ( or congressional
> hearing  or a University policy meeting) can tell the truth nine different
> ways without lying.
> My purpose in the start of the thread was a quick study in an ethics theme
> regarding writing quadradic computing software for ethics. One of the most
> profound questions ever posed in recorded history on the subject was asked
> of Jesus by Pilate.. " what is truth"?  Was he lying and knew the truth, or
> was it because he didn't know?
> Watching our government conduct business and the war in Iraq begs the
> question.. what happens when our soldiers return,, gain maturity and take
> leadership roles? We see the results of the hippy generation of the Vietnam
> era personified by Clinton. Will a code of ethics be functional for the
> emerging body of youth ? Or will they all become like skilled green feet ? 
> Basic and applied research depends on addressing questions of this nature...
> i.e hot vs cold fusion.
> Richard

Fairy tales are more than true: not because 
they tell us that dragons exist, but because 
they tell us that dragons can be beaten. 
-G.K. Chesterton

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