Actually, to hell with "someone" reported - what did you hear Hal Puthoff SAY???????
Warmest Regards,
Chris Arnold

"Zell, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Didn't somebody report that Hal was disappointed because he concluded that Chernetski's work failed to account for power
factor in his output?

From: Christopher Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: Chernitski (was Re: MAHG update & hypothesis) Chernetski

Rather than wait for Hal to respond, Please watch the video of Hal talking about Professor Alexander Chernetski. Hal appears to actually show signs of excitement over his Personal Viewing of Chernetski's work. My work may be a parallel of Chernetski's Anomalous Energy discovery, produced by a different Plasma generation method.

This information kindly provided by Bruce A. Perreault

Warm Regards,

Chris Arnold

Mark Goldes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If memory serves, Hal was unable to see a valid OU experiment. Perhaps due
to his arrival in Moscow about the time of Chernitski's demise.

I've copied this to Hal who would know for sure.


>From: Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: MAHG update & hypothesis
>Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 08:51:19 -0700 (PDT)
>--- Jean
> > "Rather than invoking ZPE, Dirac or hydrinos, I
>Suspect that the explanation could be LENR. So I
>would suggest to simply try deuterium gas instead of
>Since he is seeing OU-heat without D2 now, what
>nuclear reaction do you see as supplying the excess
>heat now?
>Let me see if I can even suggest candidates:
>1) H + H --&! amp;! gt; D
>2) H + W --> ?
>3) Accelerated decay of an isotope of W
>4) Accelerated release of the stored enery of a
>nuclear isomer of W
>Given the unlikihood of any of these, to my way of
>thinking ZPE is the more likely source of the excess
>energy here (if that concept is expanded to include
>Dirac) - but part of this premise goes to the large
>number of other experiments involving hydrogen.
>One of the most controversial is that of the late
>Russian Chernitski (that name is not spelled correctly
>) whose work Puthoff supposedly went to see in Moscow,
>but never got to. Anyone remember the correct details
>of this?

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