Wonderful, now please ask Hal to watch the video of himself disputing what he just told you and Mark. Maybe Hal forgot about his private viewing, maybe he was told to forget about it, or maybe he just wants EVERYONE ELSE to forget about his video disclosure of such an Earth-shattering discovery.
I for one am tired of Hal Puthoffs brand of scientific suppression, but if you want to believe what he said, while ignoring what he said - no wonder the USA is falling behind in scientific discoveries.
Gasification in Canada based on my proposal to Wilf Ouellette.

--- Christopher Arnold wrote:

> Is anyone here seriously interested in a
> Breakthrough Energy source and does anyone else here
> realize how important Chernetski's work was?

We all realize how important it could have been IF it
were true. Mark and I recieved the follwoing note from
Hal a couple of days ago, and I don't think he will
mind me posting the relevant points regarding his work
and investigation along these lines, as there does
appears to be alot of misconceptions floating about:

"I did go to Moscow and got from him [Chernetskii] the
circuit diagrams and, in fact, a complete book he had
written on his effect, plus reports from others on his
device (though I did not see his device in operation -
they were in the process of transferring his lab, if I
recall correctly). We got on very well, and he looked
to me like a son to carry on his work."

"When I returned I used his information to reproduce
his device, and it appeared to function spectacularly
as had been described to me, i.e., when a spark
discharge was ignited in the circuit, the output light
bulbs burned more brightly while the current from the
wall decreased dramatically. However, careful
investigation with expensive energy measuring
instrumentation showed that in fact there was not an
overunity factor at work."

[This bears repeating - EarthTech did NOT find any OU
with the Cherntiskii device, even though it did appear

"I explained the details to Chernetskii and he said he
understood that under certain conditions one would get
this apparent but not real O/U operation, but
nonetheless, under the right conditions O/U would take
place. So I was in the process of arranging for him
and his wife to come to the U.S. with his equipment for tests here when he died."

"So the issue remain unresolved, though we did
considerable experimentation with lour version of his


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