Gigi DiMarco <> wrote:

> Coming back to Mizuno we think that in the reported experiment there is no
> excess heat. It is written in the Mizuno's data, our demo is only a further
> proof. If you take a look of the data when the pump fails you will see that
> immediately both water and reactor wall temperatures start to decrease: in
> the presence of a reaction the wall temperature should have increased.

There was definitely no reaction occurring when the pump failed. The
reaction stopped hours before that event.

> Jed and Mizuno perform an experiment without hydrogen: the result is the
> same they got with hydrogen.

There was definitely hydrogen left in the system at that time. We could not
pump it all out. The mass spectrometer showed that it kept coming out of
solution from the hydrides in the reactor. Since it was coming into the
reactor vessel and being pumped into the QMS, there must have been far more
left in the metal.

In tests done before the nanoparticles and hydrides are formed, the results
show zero excess heat. Unfortunately I do not have any good data from those
tests with the present configuration.

- Jed

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