In reply to  Bob Higgins's message of Thu, 4 Feb 2016 17:22:46 -0700:
>Mills talked about the source voltage being "only 10V", but 10V has at
>least the potential to deliver 10eV of energy.  10eV of energy is the
>energy of a photon at 124nm in the extreme UV.  His "only 10V" statement
>was meant to dissuade the listener that high energy photons were not
>possible directly from this source.
>He also has the habit of immensely glossing over engineering details.  When
>he talked about getting rid of 65% of 250kW (163kW) of heat using an
>"automobile radiator", he forgot to notice that an automobile engine only
>dissipates that much heat at high speed and only then for short bursts.  If
>a car is trying to dissipate that much heat while standing still, it will
>overheat immediately.  Yes, you can use a radiator to dissipate 163kW of
>heat, but it will be huge and fan cooled. 

His device is actually run in pulse mode, with rapid pulse repetition. That
means that he can vary the output power by varying the pulse rate.


Robin van Spaandonk

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