From: Bob Higgins 

*       Even still, Mills provided NO EVIDENCE for excess heat at all - zero, 
zip, nada.  This doesn't mean he is not realizing excess heat, he simply 
provided no evidence for it.

Yes. This was my main complaint in an earlier posting about the failings of 
this demo. The entire demo is essentially meaningless since it shows no excess 
energy. It is a PR hand-waving event with a show of pyrotechnics, followed by 
the tin cup.

In fact, there are only two instances that I know of where Mills has provided 
firm evidence of gain. This is probably due to the advice of his attorney - in 
the event of an investor lawsuit.

In one of those – mentioned by Jack, he claimed a COP of about 2 and in the 
other - which was electrolytic, the gain was about 1.5 which is about what 
Thermacore saw, using his theory. AFAIK, he has never claimed more than COP~2 
as actual fact, but far more as a (non-binding) possibility !

My bet is that in the Rossi report, to the extent it is believable, we will 
also see a net COP in the range of 2 or less. Rossi will try to spin that 
number, by showing that there were long periods of infinite COP. But, even if 2 
is the limit for Ni-H… which there is reason to believe is the limit - that is 
FANTASTIC. But is it rock solid gain for Rossi, or not?

A COP of 2, if it is real - will change the world, yet that Rossi has spent the 
better part of the last decade trying to convince investors that much more is 


Note: the underlying assumption here is that the most achievable form of gain 
from Ni-H is NOT nuclear fusion. Mills’ theory or a version of it from someone 
else (Homlid) may suggest one route. Nuclear fusion of course, has unlimited 
COP but there is no reliable proof of it in Ni-H. 

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