
Thoria melts at about 3600 K.  It would erode pretty fast at 5000 K.  So the 
time that is pretty fast would be seconds to minutes for a reasonable thick 
block of thoria.   
Iridium Oxide or just iridium melt at a lower temperature.  Not may substances 
have a melting point above 3500 K.

Bob Cook
From: Bob Higgins 
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: BLP demo video

My take on the curves shown after slide 49 is that they were showing evolution 
of the spectrum.  As the machine and Ag vapor gets hotter and hotter, the 
spectrum will begin to be dominated/overwhelmed by blackbody radiation.  What 
is heated to those temperatures is Ag vapor.  I am not sure exactly what you 
mean by "lasts very long at that temperature" (I presume you mean doesn't 
melt), but I think the answer is that we are talking about a vapor (gas) of Ag. 
 Plasmas are commonly at that temperature.

I said that the 10V source has a capability of generating up to 10eV effects 
which correspond to 124nm minimum wavelength photons.  In the chart 49 you can 
see the spectrum from the photons cut-off before reaching down to 124nm.  This 
spectrum is from the emissions of the silver+H2O in the arc before being 
overwhelmed by the vapor around it that is very hot.  A 10eV electron or a 
124nm photon is not enough to ionize the inner shells of Ag, even if it is a 
vapor.  Another thing to consider is drawing a Stephan-Boltzmann curve over the 
UV portion of the radiation below that cuts off just before reaching down to 
124nm.  The temperature for such a curve would be about 6000K.  Even at 6000K, 
you don't produce blackbody photons at 124nm.  My point here being that the 
soft x-ray spectra are not explained by the temperature (even of 6000K) or 10eV 
possible excitations from the 10V.

OTOH, Karabut has published papers about the generation of laser-like x-ray 
photons in systems capable only of lower energy transitions.  It could be a 
hydrino signature, but that was not Karabut's conclusion, nor that of Peter 
Hagelstein who has a theory for what is happening in Karabut's experiments.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Bob Cook <> wrote:


  Look at slides that follow #49—like about  57 and 60  or so.  The first is a 
multi-colored spectrum of some different runs I believe in Nano meters up to 
about 500.  And the second is a calculated spectrum for a black body for 5000 D 
Kelvin.  Note that the multi-colored graph shows each run of the colored lines 
turning into a black body spectrum for about 5000 D K.

  If some material stands 5000 D K for any length of time, I would like to know 
what it is.  May Iridium oxide or some heavy trans-uranium oxide.   I do not 
think thoria lasts very long at that temperature?  Maybe it is a metal hydrino 

  Bob Cook

  From: Bob Higgins 
  Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 8:03 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:BLP demo video

  Thank you, Axil, for this link.  It is slide 49, in particular to which I am 
making reference.  In this slide you can see the soft x-ray set of lines around 
20-60nm, and another set of deep UV lines from 120-300nm.  What I was saying is 
that the band from 120-300nm is explain-able from the 10V source, capable of 
providing 10eV direct excitation, while the lines from 20-60nm are harder to 
explain.  In fact, it is hard to measure this spectrum ... I wonder what he 
used to measure it.

  On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 8:31 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

    Dear Dave, 

    This may help

    These are the slides used in the demo

    Slide 53 and/or 57 are what you might need to see what you want.

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