From: Roarty, Francis X 

*       Perhaps vacuum energy cannot perform measurable work at our typical 
physical macro velocities relative to C …
Well, it is pretty clear from the literature, starting in 2011 and continuing 
to recent papers - that the DCE the dynamical Casimir effect - can and does 
function to convert virtual photons into real photons. 

Even if we define the photon as massless, this is “work” by most definitions 
even if the base-level effect may not appear like mass is being moved. This 
distinction is mainly semantics, since excess energy from photons has a 
mass-equivalent. There are dozens of DCE papers, starting here. The point is 
the effect is proved in experiment and theory.

Beyond that, we have to extrapolate beyond a weak effect requiring a 
superconductor to a robust effect of the SPP in combination with DCE, requiring 
no superconductor (or HTSC). If SPP operates as the paper claims, to convert 
one real photon into two real photons (photon doubling) and DCE gives real 
photons from virtual photons, and the translucent ceramic stores photons, then 
we have set the stage of a “photon chain reaction.” 

Typically the term “photon chain reaction” turns up in descriptions of lasers. 
The glow-stick can be analogized to a semi-coherent type of IR laser where 
there is one predominant IR emission line and lots of secondary light which is 
not coherent. We could call it a superradiant laser.

With any chain reaction, the output grows exponentially. Even if the 
incandescent light source is only 5% efficient initially (it is probably less), 
then net gain is still possible if there is sufficient doubling of photons due 
to the DCE/SPP mechanism.

This MO of photon chain reaction - may sound preposterous to those who are 
invested in nuclear fusion as the source of gain in the glow-stick (assuming 
Parkhomov can be replicated)… but it is crystal clear from actual results that 
in fact, it is far more preposterous to suggest fusion as the main source of 

There is little indicia of fusion whereas DCE is proved in both experiment and 
theory. Real fusion in a Parkhomov tube is not proved in either theory or 
experiment. However, transmutation of elements could be a side effect of 
harnessing vacuum energy even if no fusion happens.

BTW – by most definitions of ZPE and its effect on electrons, especially 
Puthoff’s, it is clear that the Mills-effect, or fractional hydrogen, or 
UDD/UDH, or DDL, etc… these are ALL zero point effects - and the energy 
essentially comes from the same virtual photon conversion process as does DCE.


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