Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com> wrote:

> But Jed, if you have the data why do you advice me to ask Rossi instead of
> just sending them.
Because I am not free to share everything yet, obviously.

You don't need anything more from me. Look at the numbers from Rossi and
the analysis from Daniel Rocha. Assume the pressure is a little high or the
temperatures a little low and most of the excess heat vanishes. The rest
goes away for other reasons.

If you want to know whether this is a stupid mistake or fraud, you need
only look at Rossi's refusal to allow people to look at the customer's
equpment. That customer was set up by Rossi's own lawyer. Rossi has the key
to the room, and he has often been seen coming and going. Why do you think
he will not let anyone in? If there was 1 MW equipment in there, why would
he not allow people to see it? It would instantly prove his claim is true!

Stop dancing around that issue. Stop making up pretend reasons why he would
prevent people from going in there. Be honest with yourself and admit that
this proves he is making it all up.

If this was anyone other than Rossi, you and everyone else would agree this
has to be fraud.

- Jed

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