That's good Jed.  If you have read my work cold fusion is a step towards 
control of all of the natural forces.   I will have the same effect as 
Oersted's discovery of electromagnetic induction.


If cold fusion succeeds I expect it will last much longer than 500 years, and 
ultimately it will have a larger impact than capitalism had. If the human race 
survives for millions of years -- as I hope it will --

-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: Vortex <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 7, 2017 6:37 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Interest in cold fusion has waned

I wrote:


If I succeed at promoting cold fusion and it becomes generally used, I shall 
play an important role in changing the world more than Marxism and Capitalism 

That sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it. I think that Marxism and capitalism 
are both on their way out. As we have discussed here, I think robots and 
intelligent computers will compel us to adapt a new form of economy that is 
neither capitalist or communist.

Capitalism began around the year 1500, gradually replacing feudalism. Communism 
began around 1850. Both are now in their twilight. I expect that by 2100 we 
will have a new economic system. Unlike every previous system it will not 
mainly depend on the exchange of human labor for goods and services. It remains 
to be seen what it will be like. I hope it will be better for everyone, and 
better for the ecology, but you never know how things will turn out.

If cold fusion succeeds I expect it will last much longer than 500 years, and 
ultimately it will have a larger impact than capitalism had. If the human race 
survives for millions of years -- as I hope it will -- over the next few 
million years cold fusion should have roughly the same impact as the discovery 
of fire. Unless something better is discovered.

People who have not read history have the notion that institutions such as 
capitalism, nation states, universities, corporations and so on have been part 
of society forever and they will always be with us. Actually, they are recent 
inventions and there is no reason to think they will continue centuries into 
the future. They will continue as long as people find them useful.

- Jed

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