A superconductor must have the Meisner effect
The non detection of resistance is merely an evidence for

2017-08-12 18:21 GMT-03:00 Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>:

> There has been a lot of discussion here recently about the resistance of
> the E-Cat QuarkX, and Andrea Rossi had said that he considered the matter
> of the electrical resistance of the E-Cat QX to be confidential information.
> Today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, however, Rossi gave a direct
> answer to a question on the subject:
> Prof
> August 10, 2017 at 4:21 AM
> Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
> Which is the internal resistance of the Ecat QX?
> Cheers
> Prof
> Andrea Rossi
> August 10, 2017 at 2:33 PM
> Prof:
> Zero.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> If this really is the case, then the E-Cat QX would be a superconductor —
> making it even more remarkable than “just” being an energy catalyzer/energy
> multiplier
> Superconductivity is just as or maybe even more controversial than LENR
> is. Who could imagine that a material could become superconducting at room
> temperature let alone at 3000K. But there are indicators in LENR
> experiments that point to superconductors partially forming at room
> temperature and even at higher temperatures.
> For example, the electrical resistance of Celini's wire goes down when its
> temperature rises. Also hydrogen loaded palladium becomes a room
> temperature superconductor when the hydrogen loading is high.
> One of the factors that can be causing this drop in electrical resistance
> is the formation of islands of superconductivity that form in the lattice
> or the plasma that is producing the LENR effect.
> Electrons could be jumping from island to island in their trip across the
> lattice. When the electron is moving past the LENR Island on its boundary,
> it gets a free ride but the resistance returns in its trip between islands.
> Ultra-dense hydrogen has been found to be a room temperature
> superconductor and produces the messier effect. Highly loaded palladium
> could contain a high number of Ultra-dense hydrogen islands of
> superconductivity in a lattice.
> Rossi’s plasma could contain a high number of LENR reaction generating
> superconducting nanowires (Ken Shoulders called them EVOs) that let
> electrons travel on them with no resistance.
> I believe that Rossi adds vanadium oxide to his fuel mix as LENR reaction
> booster. This additive vaporizes at 3000K. In this way, this additive
> produces vanadium nanowires at 3000K when the vanadium condenses like rain
> drops in a cloud; the electric current jumps from nanowire to nanowire as
> they get a free ride across the plasma thereby reducing the electrical
> resistant to near zero.
> This negation in electrical resistant produced by a hot research topic is
> sciences these days called non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates, a
> state of matter produced in polaritons. The vanadium nanoparticles like
> most other transition metal nanowires carry polaritons on their surface.
> See how quantum mechanics can generate this Bose condensate that can form
> at 3000K here.
> https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.05264
> Here is what the surface of a hot metal nanowire looks like when
> polaritons can be envisioned.
> [image: Thumbnail]
> <http://disq.us/url?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnanophotonics.spiedigitallibrary.org%2Fdata%2Fjournals%2Fnanop%2F929631%2Fjnp_8_1_083899_f004.png%3AzXVO11-uFzZ6Nr7PX-23_cGOTPU&cuid=2168707>

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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