Good question Bob.

In general, there is an inverse relationship between the internal binding 
strength within a particle and its reactivity with its neighboring particles..

But… that is not sufficient for this case, as I’m sure you will agree; and if I 
were pressed to invent a logical rationale for the proposition - it would be a 
buoyancy concept. Such as that 3-space itself, as well as 2-space, both have a 
property analogous to surface tension and buoyancy, and any particle which 
becomes “too dense to float” in one dimension must sinks into a lower dimension 
(or fractal). Think about the implications of the extreme density which Holmlid 
suggests. Perhaps the answer is as simple as some kind of fractal dimensional 

If we espouse Mandelbrot’s definition of a fractal as being a fractional 
dimension in the literal sense, then a dense particle like UDH will sink out of 
3-space and even out of 2-space – into a fractal from where its reactivity is 
all but gone. It may be more than one dimensional but less than two and its 
gravity would be felt, but little else.

Of course, that is an invented rationale and cannot be taken seriously without 
some real evidence for it. 

OTOH the only way I can rationalize Hotson’s epo field is as a fractal, and I 
think there is some similarity.

From: Bob Higgins

But why would such large particles be weakly interacting?

JonesBeene wrote:
Recently there have been a flurry of News articles about the lack of success in 
finding DM - but the favored candidate is still the WIMP
AFAIK there is no satisfactory definition for WIMPS {after all they are dark 
and hard to observe} other than
1. Weakly interacting to an extreme but massive
2. Mass-energy of between 50 and 100 GeV fits into current theory
3. Suspiciously close to the Higgs in mass and other features
Since they are weakly interacting to a spectacular degree, they could and 
probably do exist primarily in another dimension or as part of the Higgs field. 
One possible decay channel would be for the Higgs boson to decay to two WIMPs, 
each having a rest mass energy of half of the 126 GeV Higgs or about 63 GeV for 
the WIMP. A putative buckyball of UDH would have about the same mass equal to 
60 atoms of UDH as in the carbon model.
This is the candidate for WIMPS not yet considered – and in effect it is UDH in 
the form of a bound H60 buckyball – perhaps hidden in the Higgs field which 
itself is another dimension.

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