From: Jed Rothwell

➢ Both Patterson and Mizuno reported heat from a mixture of Ni and Pd, which I 
assume can be ascribed to the Pd.

Why would you assume that Mizuno’s Clean Planet results can be ascribed to Pd? 
He clearly states the large area of nickel mesh is the fusion catalyst. About 
20 grams of thin nickel wire was wound on a ceramic mandrel. This is over 100 
meters of wire. 

The nickel wire can be sputtered or even manually rubbed with Pd which he 
believes is helpful but not required. You may have translated the report, and 
know of other information not include - but Mizuno seems to believe the large 
amount of nickel wire is the key when made more efficient with a coating. He 
says at the end “We believe other metals might be substituted for Pd on Ni, and 
they might perform better. Pt might be a good candidate..” 

Why would he say that if Pd was necessary? IOW there was a bit of Pd being used 
on the surface of the nickel as it increases the rate of nickel catalysis. He 
thinks it can be rubbed on. This is in keeping with Ahern’s EPRI (Arata) 
results where 5% Pd works better than pure Pd. There is a good case for the 
proposition that the best result can be had with nickel plus a surface coating 
of Pd or Pt. 

This could be called Mizuno’s ‘hero effort’ – 300 watt to kW range and it’s a 
pity that it has not been replicated. Of course one problem is that Clean 
Planet lost funding. 

I doubt that the results can in any way be ascribed to solely or mainly to Pd. 
Nevertheless the take-away is that anyone using Pd alone should try Ni wire 
with a thin coating of Pd.


J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 25 (2017) 1–25 Observation of Excess Heat by 
Activated Metal and Deuterium Gas
Tadahiko Mizuno

Hydrogen Engineering Application and Development Company, Kita 12, Nishi 4, 
Kita-ku, Sapporo 001-0012, Japan

Reports of heat-generating cold fusion reactions in the nickel–hydrogen system 
have been increasing. The reactions mainly involve
nickel with other additive elements. The authors of these reports emphasized 
the importance of an extremely clean system in the
electrolytic tests in which excess heat was generated. Therefore, we attempted 
to detect excess heat after reducing impurities to a
minimum by cleaning the electrode carefully and then fabricating nanoparticles 
in situ in our test system, without ever exposing
them to air. As a result, energy far exceeding input was continuously obtained. 
In the best results obtained thus far, the output
thermal energy is double the input electrical energy, amounting to several 
hundred watts. The generated thermal energy follows
an exponential temperature function. When the reactor temperature is 300◦C, the 
generated energy is 1 kW. An increase of the
temperature is expected to greatly increase the output energy. We have recently 
improved the preparation of the electrode material.
This enhanced reproducibility and increased excess heat. The new methods are 
described in the Appendix.
⃝c 2017 ISCMNS. All rights reserved. ISSN 2227-3123

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