There are some interesting thoughts here and in the YouTube comments.

It is a bit surprising that no one mentioned “polywater” since the exploding 
wire was taking place in a cloud chamber with high moisture content - and the 
filaments we see are supposedly high in water/hydride content which could be 
bound together with the remnants of the wire. The remnants are possibly 
nanoparticles of silver (if the wire was silver) – more likely nano-fibers 
instead of particles.

Curiously, silver nanowires are widely studied -  and readily available online 
- and are transparent. The milky color would be due to hydriding. 

The Wiki piece on polywater is one of the most poorly written explanations ever 
to show up there. The author got this episode of history completely wrong. 

Polywater was not “disproved” per se, but instead was shown to be  a real 
phenomenon not of pure water. It was not polymerized – but can be called 
“structured mineralized water” which was misnamed and mischaracterized by 
sloppy US scientists looking for grants based on fear mongering of Soviet 
research (in the Sputnik days). 

In effect, polywater could probably be made in an alternate way using filaments 
of metal nanofibers, so we are talking about almost the same thing. Polaritons 
may not be required, but dense hydrogen could be required for the magnetic 
properties. Polywater alone would not be paramagnetic unless made with minerals 
like iron oxide.

An almost identical phenomenon was most likely discovered back in the cold war 
but it is now improved– especially when using a wire which is catalytic for 
dense hydrogen, which  is the new wrinkle – thanks to Mills. If it has not been 
mentioned before – silver is one of Mills favored catalysts for ground state 

But why does BRLP not collect the filaments in a filter for further testing? 

One suspects the lifetime is limited… or else Mills does not want to give away 
too much information.

From: Roarty, Francis X

OK, that might explain why the bulk material didn’t collapse and cling to the 
tool the researcher used to attract it. Mills has always talked about his 
hydrinos being part and parcel with hydrides and I never believed these exotic 
types of hydrogen can persist outside of the cavity environment but you seem to 
be  suggesting that this gaseous smoke still contains a metal matrix like 
aerojels!? The polaritons by definition are on metal surfaces, now marooned in 
an airborne bulk with its buoyancy from the held dense hudrogen? I cant see a 
closed cell effect like aerojels.

From: Axil Axil 

IMHO, this smoke is metal hydride nanoparticles that are covered on their 
surface with polaritons. The polaritons are the source of the magnetism that 
binds the nanoparticles togither. The SunCell uses this smoke to form a dusty 
plasma that can produce a self sustaining LENR reaction.

JonesBeene wrote: 
This video is (reputedly) what dense hydrogen looks like, in response to a 
strong magnet
Somewhat mind boggling, shall we say. If not dense hydrogen, it is unclear what 
else the ghostly filaments could be.
Apparently it is paramagnetic and possibly superfluidic, whereas hydrogen is a 
diamagnetic, invisible gas. 
Or more to the point – what else could one do with the material to proved its 
One of the things (phenomena)  which comes to mind  … LOL … “ectoplasm” which 
is somewhat fitting given the circumstances.

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