This Mills experiment is not the first one that has been done. Proton 21
has been at this stuff for years. If Mills were to look for transmutation
in his metal smoke, he would find it as the Proton 21 project has found.
Experimenters should sit in an armchair are see what has be done in the
past: they night not need to work so hard in duplicating what has been done
many times before.

In proton 21 resuts

Results of experiments
on collective nuclear reactions
in superdense substance

Proton 21 has seen

"the mass spectra reveal the masses equal to 253, 264, 394, 395, 433, and
which do not yield to any interpretation and identification, i.e., they are
absent among all the
known isotope combinations given in the typical catalogs."

This stuff is most likely Ultra dense material. There is strange radiation
observations documented that most likely is this  Ultra dense material on
the move.

Regarding: "Mills is either a fool or a fraud". He does not want to see
anything that would disprove his theories.

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 9:52 AM, Roarty, Francis X <> wrote:

> OK, that might explain why the bulk material didn’t collapse and cling to
> the tool the researcher used to attract it. Mills has always talked about
> his hydrinos being part and parcel with hydrides and I never believed these
> exotic types of hydrogen can persist outside of the cavity environment but
> you seem to be  suggesting that this gaseous smoke still contains a metal
> matrix like aerojels!? The polaritons by definition are on metal surfaces,
> now marooned in an airborne bulk with its buoyancy from the held dense
> hudrogen? I cant see a closed cell effect like aerojels.
> Fran
> *From:* Axil Axil []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 15, 2018 5:22 PM
> *To:* vortex-l <>
> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Visual evidence of dense hydrogen
> IMHO, this smoke is metal hydride nanoparticles that are covered on their
> surface with polaritons. The polaritons are the source of the magnetism
> that binds the nanoparticles togither. The SunCell uses this smoke to form
> a dusty plasma that can produce a self sustaining LENR reaction.
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 9:57 AM, JonesBeene <> wrote:
> This video is (reputedly) what dense hydrogen looks like, in response to a
> strong magnet –
> Somewhat mind boggling, shall we say. If not dense hydrogen, it is unclear
> what else the ghostly filaments could be.
> Apparently it is paramagnetic and possibly superfluidic, whereas hydrogen
> is a diamagnetic, invisible gas.
> Or more to the point – what else could one do with the material to proved
> its identity/characteristics?
> One of the things (phenomena)  which comes to mind  … LOL … “ectoplasm”
> which is somewhat fitting given the circumstances.

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