Of course the major assumption will be that this is typical “cold fusion” – 
should it be duplicated. But is there more to it  than the normal P&F effect?

Definitely there could be more since this is neither electrolysis nor glow 
discharge. It is worth noting that in some ways the mechanism of low pressure, 
rapid diffusion resembles the Holmlid effect of deuterium densification.

And moreover there is a hybrid of the two processes which is  already described 
In the literature. It is almost directly on point. The researchers are top 
notch, as well.

Hora and Miley et al published a paper entitled “Surface Effect for Gas Loading 
Micrograin Palladium for LENR” which could be the closest explanation available 
to Mizuno’s new breakthrough, and it mentions the ultradense state as 
necessarily preceding fusion. It is available from ResearchGate, but you have 
to join to get it there.

Hora and Miley call this refinement to the old version of cold fusion  
“Two-picometer Deuterium Reactions by Coulomb Screening”.

If this is correct then copious neutrons are expected at the kilowatt level of 
output… “million times” more!

In fact, there could be health risks at the high heat level, especially heating 
one’s home with the reactor as Mizuno has done.

 I hope that Mizuno has taken the necessary precautions.


From: Jed Rothwell

Anyway, if you want to replicate this experiment, you should have a calorimeter 
that puts the cell in something similar to room temperature air. Don't wrap 
tubes of flowing water around it. That's what Mizuno did for a few years. It 
didn't work. Or it barely worked.

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