..i'll just repeat the same point here i made at ECW; the KE / momentum derivations from the tracks alone proceed on an assumption of CoE and CoM, hence the findings of stupendous mass / energies / superluminal values of 'V'.
Yet surely a saner explanation is that, rather than burning off a finite reserve of momentum & energy in a closed, purely dissipative system, these particles are continuously energised, active / open systems? They're most likely being driven by the system's PSU, no? Then we have the 'other' alternative, that they're essentially self-contained spontaneously-OU systems driven by a fundamental +/- dp/dt asymmetry / h-bar from vacuum & time via ie. the EM constant, alpha. Treating the tracks as if they were made by passive ejecta when they weren't is obvs gonna lead to crazy conclusions.. you assume car tracks were powered, not that it must've begun its journey traveling at Mach 9.. The example shown in the first video was obvs moving at below the camera framerate, thru free space.. And then from tachyons we progress to <strike>unicor</strike> i mean 'monopoles'.. when i looked at Bob G's tracks supposedly evidencing monopoles, all i saw was homopolar effects, which he (surprisingly) hadn't yet considered, conceding it as a more likely explanation.. The apparent reality of robust EM OU from 'picometric aggregates' is surely enough of a miracle to explain a whole raft of these EVO / SR effects - or else, only Rossi's special brew are open systems, and everyone else's are inert closed systems, albeit with apparently-superluminal 'velocity' components, oh and 'scalar magnetic charge'.. <i>3 miracles</i>, like buses they are eh.. The beastie shown in that first vid is certainly a beaut tho - just on 1st principles, is it a charge component (such as an electron) orbiting a proton (or many of each perhaps)? Or else if it's not electrically bound, then what - gravitationally? Too extreme, surely (even 69 GeV wouldn't have that kind of gravity); some kind of ZBW-entangled condensate, then? Its radius is <i>massive</i> tho - some kind of long-range interaction? There's no apparent counter-wobble of the linear trajectory (or is there?) but given eg. the proton / electron mass ratio of over 1800:1 perhaps this is to be expected.. Would a homopolar effect not also better fit here tho? So eg. the orbital angular momentum is part & parcel of the system's linear momentum, you have a dipole moving thru a magnetic field, LH rule etc.. Besides, shouldn't tachyons interacting with (pummeling thru) ordinary matter emit copious braking radiation? If they're dissipating finite energy & momentum then they're constantly decelerating so can't stay superluminal for long (just playing devil's advocate here, causality to the wind) - do the tracks show such characteristics? The obviously-entangled pair of tracks from the slide presentation in the 2nd vid is particularly striking - what would spawn such a pair of entagled EVO's? Again, some kind of dipolar effect maybe, ie. one spawned from each pole of the same progenator particle / event? Or were they chiral opposites / matter-antimatter? Or how about opposing precessional moments of protium-nucleated thermo-ZBW condensates? ;) Just trying to apply a bit of Occam here..