Strange radiation is a self amplifying chain reaction that is self
contained. SR just needs a source of electrons to grow. The electrons are
without charge and form a lattice which implies that there is no internal
movement as in a plasmid. Consistent with the Higgs abyss hypothesis, the
EVO only requires the most insubstantial superconductive seed to initiate
growth, but once growth begins, it continues self sustained in the presence
of a free electrons feed stock until instability sets in and the EVO

However, if the source of free electrons dry up, the EVO becomes dormant
and can survive indefinitely until additional free electron feedstock again
becomes available.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:34 PM Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Presented now is a video that shows the energy release from an EVO at
> termination  via the Bosenova.
> Bosenova production in slow motion
> VEGA - 240fps + 8x slow motion
> The production of EVO in slow motion.
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:05 PM Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> Naked singularities are not related to gravitational black holes. These
>> micro black holes are a consequence of tachyon condensation. Ashoke Sen
>> took the fear out of tachyons for physicists when he characterized tachyon
>> condensation. In the late 1990s, Ashoke Sen conjectured that the tachyons
>> carried by open strings attached to D-branes in string theory reflect the
>> instability of the D-branes with respect to their complete annihilation.
>> The total energy carried by these tachyons has been calculated in string
>> field theory; it agrees with the total energy of the D-branes, and all
>> other tests have confirmed Sen's conjecture as well. Tachyons therefore
>> became an active area of interest in the early 2000s. OK, so open-string
>> tachyons and closed-string tachyons in twisted sectors are more or less
>> understood by now. Physicists no longer panic or abandon the theory when
>> they see a tachyon. Instead, they calmly interpret these tachyons as
>> sources of instabilities – instability that annihilate objects or whole
>> chunks of spacetime and that may (but don't necessarily have to) lead to a
>> new stable world with some interesting objects that may be left over. For
>> this reason, it was Ashoke Sen and his apprentices such as Edward Witten
>> who unified nothingness and somethingness in physics – i.e. in string
>> theory (because no other theory can achieve similar unifications) – and who
>> discovered new perspectives on the somethingness in between and that's my
>> explanation why both Sen and Witten deserves their $3 million Breakthrough
>> prizes. I am interested in relating the abstractions of string theory to
>> real world engineering applications. I want to know the ways and means of
>> how these naked singularities annihilate objects or whole chunks of
>> spacetime and that may lead to new stable conditions with some interesting
>> transformed objects that may be left over.
>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 4:18 PM Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> Holmlid new paper legwork by can
>>> *Title:* “Production of ultra-dense hydrogen H(0): A novel nuclear fuel”
>>> Date:
>>> 26 March 2021
>>> *Authors:* Leif Holmlid, Andrzej Kotarba, Pawel Stelmachowski.
>>> *Link:*
>>> Some LENR-relevant excerpts from the paper:
>>> [...] It is possible to have an energy output by forming H(0) from
>>> hydrogen gas. This condensation energy will easily be believed to be
>>> non-chemical thus nuclear due to its size (of the order of hundred times
>>> larger than normal chemical energy output). It may be a large part of the
>>> energy which is considered to be caused by so-called cold fusion, as
>>> suggested previously by Winterberg [6,7]. Other nuclear reactions in H(0)
>>> may be the main processes considered to be cold fusion, with very little of
>>> normal fusion products like 4He and neutrons out.
>>> So-called cold fusion according to Fleischmann and Pons [8] is probably
>>> due to the condensation reactions of H(0) as mentioned above and also due
>>> to the spontaneous nuclear processes which take place in H(0) [9]. Such
>>> spontaneous nuclear processes are similar to those induced by pulsed lasers
>>> [[10], [11], [12]] which do not give 4He and neutrons as products but
>>> instead give mesons, especially charged and neutral kaons [[13], [14],
>>> [15]]. Thus, these processes are not fusion processes. The mesons formed
>>> have lifetimes of less than 100 ns. Most often, it is the decay of the
>>> mesons which can be studied easily, giving high-accuracy lifetimes in
>>> agreement with those measured at large accelerators [16]. Since almost all
>>> mesons formed (kaons and pions) decay to muons which have a much longer
>>> lifetime of 2.20 μs, the muons have been detected easily [[12], [13], [14],
>>> [15],18], and also confirmed separately [15]. The sources of mesons and
>>> muons obtained in this way are the strongest that exist and they can be
>>> operated with high energy efficiency and at a low cost.
>>> These meson producing processes are very similar for H(0) and D(0). This
>>> means that many early experiments on cold fusion which aimed at finding the
>>> true contribution of fusion by comparing experiments using deuterium with
>>> similar experiments using ordinary hydrogen were meaningless. The nuclear
>>> reactions in H(0) are instead annihilation-like processes [19]. The tragic
>>> un-scientific processes which took place after the report of “cold fusion”,
>>> aimed to block all research on “cold fusion”, have damaged science and
>>> especially the reputation of science in society. Now when the pieces of
>>> knowledge of these processes are falling into place, it is time to
>>> acknowledge that only more science-based rationales can be used to solve
>>> such scientific problems, not denials and political or personal persecution.
>>> My comments
>>> In both the Holmlid and Mills technology, the key gateway into the LENR
>>> reaction is the creation of a superconducting nanoparticle. This
>>> superconductive seed triggers the conversion of electrons into tachyons
>>> that when condensed generate a false vacuum which in turn catalyzes the
>>> extraction of energy from the vacuum.
>>> A side non energy producing reaction generates transmutation via a
>>> tachyon catalyzed naked singularity as described by Witten. Connecting
>>> energy production with transmutation is the biggest misconception that has
>>> undercut the understanding of LENR. These two concurrent processes are
>>> completely independent related to energy production.
>>> Energy production only occurs when the condensate is terminated via a
>>> Bosenova.
>>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 11:07 AM Terry Blanton <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 9:20 PM Jones Beene <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Bob,
>>>>> Yes. Lets hear where this comes from.
>>>>> IMO this is completely fake insofar as it relates to Shoulders' work.
>>>> Reminds me of "rods"

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