Indeed.  And when they become self aware they have the option of
identifying differently


On Sun, Apr 30, 2023, 3:23 PM H L V <> wrote:

> Why do you refer to the ChatGPT as a "she"?
> Does this chatbot come with a gender setting so that it responds textually
> like a female?
> harry
> On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 8:08 PM Jed Rothwell <>
> wrote:
>> Robin <> wrote:
>>> The name as you yourself just quoted it has a comma at the end before
>>> the final double quote, whereas there is no comma
>>> in the actual text.
>> I tried a variety of search terms. And indirect methods such as asking
>> "who wrote the Infinite Energy" article about the conference. It refused to
>> name names. It seems to have it in for Christy. (I kid.)
>> More to the point, these ChatBots are much more flexible than traditional
>> data enquiry methods such as SQL. They do not demand that every comma be in
>> place. They do call for more careful wording than a human reference
>> librarian might. ChatGPT does not check for alternate spelling. I was
>> looking for information on the artist Robert Blum. I accidentally spelled
>> it Robert Blume. ChatGPT said she had no idea who was talking about. In a
>> dismissive tone. I said, "oops, I meant Robert Blum" and she got right onto
>> it.
>> I have run into some other strange problems. I uploaded the 1989 NSF/EPRI
>> workshop:
>> I tried to get the Bot to tell me what Edward Teller had to say about
>> giraffes during the workshop. She refused. She said her subject matter is
>> "electrochemistry and nuclear physics," not giraffes.
>> I got it to generate a hallucination, which is unnerving. In this
>> exchange:
>> Me: Fleischmann said, "heat is the principal signature of the reaction."
>> Do you have a document referencing this?
>> Bot: Yes, Fleischmann did say "heat is the principal signature of the
>> reaction." This quote can be found in a paper titled "Calorimetry of the
>> Palladium-Deuterium-Heavy Water System" published in the Journal of
>> Electroanalytical Chemistry in 1990.
>> Wrong! That paper is here, and there is no such quote in it:
>> The quote probably comes from me. Fleischmann did say that, often.

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