There are indicators against this being a scam though, first the fact that they have already patented useful (security) technology, have millions of dollars, investors and if they are shown as pulling off a scam they will be totally sunk.(scammers would be unlikely to put so much on the line, well not on the line but more correctly sacrificed)

Also they are not asking for any investment this side of verification by a Jury of 12 so they would need to somehow fool or rig the jury unless they want to be asking for investment after the jury of 12 have decleared it doesn't work.

Given these facts while I think the 'scientific verification' route is foolish I don't think scam really adds up.

On 8/27/06, William Beaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, Jed Rothwell wrote:

> This is very sad. I do not understand the mindset of inventors who do
> this kind of thing, and say, ". . . until this thing is validated by
> science we won't be doing anything commercial with it . . ." That is
> nonsense. Inventors often say this, but they are wrong, and they have
> missed the point. Or three points:

But steorn has all the earmarks of a free-energy scam.  Suppose the whole
thing is dishonest.  In that case their mindset makes perfect sense.

Suppose they have nothing, but they want the investment dollars to flood
in.  They certainly can't demonstrate their device openly (such as by
sending out replicas for independant testing.  Or by just SELLING their
devices.)  If it's a scam, then they're going about it in the same way
which has worked time and again.  They must never take a simple, honest,
up-front approach.  They must always keep us guessing.  (They cannot do
otherwise!)  We can wait forever yet never see any evidence that's simple,
solid, and trustworthy.

How many successful Dennis Lees does it take before lots other people
follow in Lees footsteps?  And reap his same rewards?

And it's SO EASY to show that your'e not a scammer.  Just build a bunch of
FE devices.  Then sell them.

But maybe Jed is right, and these people are just incompetent.  I vote for
fraud, since incompetence usually has different earmarks.  Here's the
scam-detector list I put up on my site:

   Free Energy links, scams

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com               
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  425-222-5066    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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