Howdy Vorts,

To add thoughts  to Jones green machine post.
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a process used in wastewater treating to remove the final remaining fine solids from treated sewage water . The process entails adding liquid polymer and air as the wastewater is pumped into a settling tank. The polymer and air bonds to the solids and float to the surface where a skimmer sweeps off the foam and the processed ( near clear) water travels to the chlorination basin for disinfecting. A vegetable based near jell could be substituted for the polymer and a soil activator added for growth stimulation of the skimmed foam to be pumped into an algae pond. Seem that a gas turbine engine would suffice as well as a Jones Beene Caterpilar diesel engine and make lotsa CO 2.bubbling up.

Years ago a fellow working as a brakeman on SPRR between San Antonio and LA noticed the huge and amazing growth of algae ponds out in the wet spot slues in the desert of Arizona. He dipped a bucket of mud "culture" from the pond and cultured a liquid stimulator sold worldwide today called "Medina". Could it be that such existing technology be used in developing a biomass gas and liquid extraction plant without using corn ? We have the sewer plant but where's the beef?


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