--- "R.C.Macaulay" wrote:

> "An open pond with a "foam blanket" to cover the CO2
works. Interesting that many small towns have waste
water treating plants that are nothing more than a
series of ponds located in steps where the first pond
gravity flows  into the next lowest earthen pond and
so on. These "lagoon" systems could  provide an ideal
site for green machines. Task...find a better way of
producing huge quantities of CO2 ... is there a way?"

Well - not sure "huge" is the correct description when
you are directly recycling the exhaust from a gen-set
on a continuous basis. The plant operator will need
some additional source of carbon, to make up for the
expected shortfall. But how much, percentage-wise, is
an important open question.

Assuming that a turbine gen-set returns all the waste
heat and CO2 from combustion to the Algae ponds
immediately, then the situation will resolve to how
much CO2 is lost there, due to admixture with the
atmosphere before the algae use it. The amount of CO2
already in the air will NOT contribute noticeably-
there is simply too little concentration to matter.

CO2 is of course much denser than air but totally
miscible over time, so the foam blanket would be a key
feature - but it may provide enough of a necessary
"delay," so that the CO2 is almost completely
converted by the algae, before it can mix. 

If you have ever watched bacteria 'double' under a
microscope, the growth rate is mind-boggling. Of
course, only the best strains need to be used, and
bio-engineering may eventually provide even more than
the bonanza which nature now gives us.

Along with careful metering of CO2 and proper
'plumbing', the intrinsic shortfall could end up at
only 5-15% CO2 which is lost, and most of that would
be in bad weather (high winds). This is a major

Here is the way the dynamics of the system might work,
using a modification of the Aquafuel (carbon
reforming) process. 

First, here is an old page from JNL on how the basic
system works in a small experiment. Some of the
underlying old patents are mentioned.


I would envision a slightly different approach where
the electrodes themselves are NOT rapidly consumable.
But in which a carbon-rich "goo" (algae with some
added coal dust or sawdust) is pumped through porous
electrodes (tungsten?), to create the same effect as
if they were consumed - as in the simple experiment

In summary, in addition to the algae 'scum' which is
continually skimmed and dewatered, some additional
percentage carbon needs to be added to make the system
fully 'perpetual'. This added carbon could be Ag-waste
or coal dust. The goo-mix is then continually pumped
through the electrodes to reform the mixture into
carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which is then ported to
the turbine. It is then immediately recycled and very
close to carbon neutral.

Bottom line: there are strains of algae which when
'force-fed' CO2 will convert solar energy to biomass
at an astounding efficiency- which blows away the best
solar cells, and at a tiny fraction of the cost. But--
 with grater complexity in a working system.

Some of the electrical output must be returned to the
bio-reformer of course; and that parasitic loss is the
second looming 'unknown' factor. If it is not
substantial, then this is a fabulous implementation.
If too much current is required to accomplish the
reforming, then of course the huge amount of cheap
solar energy which is collected by the algae will not
be enough to make the system economical enough to
supplant burning coal without exhaust recycling.

This is the kind of complex concept which cannot be
easily modeled by computer, and begs for a prototype
system, based on the optimum pond size for a single

It seems to me now, after tossing around all the
alternatives for a few months, and looking at the
proposals and comparative strengths and weaknesses,
that a central pivot, circular pond would be best
(~40,000 ft^2, about an acre). The 'racetrack' or
other rectangular configurations have too many
negatives. It is far cheaper to harvest the algae from
still water than to try to create a continuous flow. 

The visual image of central pivot farm irrigation
comes to mind, but in this case the "arm" is both the
skimmer and part of the CO2-return plumbing.

The beauty of this kind of system is that the skimmed
algae, after very slight treatment, can be immediately
reburned. Thus, we have the quasi-perpetuality. Of
course, this is simply 'assisted-solar-conversion' on
the bottom line.

It is possible that any individual carbon atom, if it
could tell its own story, gets burned and reconverted
into biomass as often as 2-4 times a day in the summer
months. The net inventory of CO2 is not enormously
large but there is still toxicity and risk of
suffocation, so precautions will need to be taken.


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