Jones wrote on 9-3-08:


Thanks for the update and particularly the strange message
of  "Bill Arnold" .

Do you have a url for his paper? I cannot find it in a
quick goggling. Common name.

It is bizarre enough to be insightful, if not accurate.

Is he saying that sunspots create corresponding
"earthspots" which are responsible for such things as the
extremely rainy weather in the midwest USA.

He needs to lighten up a bit on the caps, but is there a
grain of truth there?


Hi Jones,

There may be a grain of truth here; but I'm biased
because I'm into plasma cosmology which steers one
toward electrical explanations.  Anyway, Bill does have
interesting ideas.

Some references are shown below.



Bill Arnold

Author of Arnold's Law

Mathematics of Bode's/Arnold's Law, spacing of planets
around the sun.  Read Bode's Law Explained:

Special Theory of Order: mechanism of our Solar Planetary

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